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Thread: less is more

  1. #21
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    I am one of those with a coarse beard, especially on the jaw line and neck, and can barely stand to shave with an edge finished on anything less than a Coticule. I don't particularly like pastes either.

    For me, nothing beats the Nakayama.

    Maybe this has more to do with skin type rather then beard coarseness. I mean, it's the follicles in the skin that feels the cutting action of the blade, not the hair itself (obviously).

  2. #22
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    I am one of those with a coarse beard, especially on the jaw line and neck, and can barely stand to shave with an edge finished on anything less than a Coticule. I don't particularly like pastes either.

    For me, nothing beats the Nakayama.

    Maybe this has more to do with skin type rather then beard coarseness. I mean, it's the follicles in the skin that feels the cutting action of the blade, not the hair itself (obviously).
    It could be that most straight shavers haven't had the opportunity to shave with a blade sharpened on the nakayama. I know I'd like to at some point I would guess though that a course beard would resist the blade more than a silky thin beard would, in turn causing the attaching skin to come into harsher contact with the blade
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  3. #23
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    It's basically a natural stone that leaves an edge like CrO paste does, only somehow different, hard to describe. Though, I am also kind of a natural-stone-aholic, so I can't rule out the placebo affect in my judgment.

    It's like vintage steel versus modern steel; I swear I can feel the difference, but chemical compositions are nearly identical and under the microscope there is no apparent difference.

  4. #24
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    It's basically a natural stone that leaves an edge like CrO paste does, only somehow different, hard to describe. Though, I am also kind of a natural-stone-aholic, so I can't rule out the placebo affect in my judgment.

    It's like vintage steel versus modern steel; I swear I can feel the difference, but chemical compositions are nearly identical and under the microscope there is no apparent difference.
    You seem like a good candidate for a blind test! A no-frills modern blade with all markings taped against a no-frills vintage with all markings taped. Both blades already sharpened to 8,000 grit, and see if you can identify which is which

    Maybe age gives it a different feel as you say ?
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