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Thread: Coticule kosher

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Well I for sure like not having to soak the hone in water first. Some folks find the hone or hones that work for them and sharpen and touch up as needed and that is fine. For others like myself experimenting with various hones and razors is a passion and that is cool too. One way or the other we have turned shaving that used to be a disagreeable chore into a pleasurable pursuit.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArdennesCoticule View Post
    . . . Wood workers need very hard stones, straight razor users want soft stones . . .
    I find this an interesting quote. Reading that old La Pogonotomia translation we have in the archives it talks about hones being too hard, too soft and just right. But it is better to have a too hard stone than a too soft stone.

    How do you determine what is the correct hardness of the hone?


  3. #23
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    Just rcieved my new coti from rob and honed on plain water about 50 to 75 laps on a razor in good shape and i have to say these coticules when you get the right combanation they realy do give a smoother shave than any sythetic hone not that nortons etc are not giving a good shave just that i can tell the differance personaly and i'm not just saying it but i reakon it is the closest and most comfortable shave i have had and that is with out using chr.I've always thought you carn't beat todays technoligy in razors blades but now having achieved a good sharp but comfortable egge on my dovo 6/8 tortoise i would actualy say you will never beat the shave and the velvaty feeling a straight razor leaves on your skin It has taken me long enough and a lot of reseach mainly on the forum but 100percent worth it so my advice is don't give up if you don't get good results straight away if it was that easy every one would still be shaving with a straight razor's.

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