View Poll Results: How many classic barber hones do you have?

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Thread: How many classic barber hones do you have?

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I do like to mess with mine on occasion. I am just getting so much stuff that it is hard to focus. All of the AD's has gotten me running in circles. I was very enthusiastic about barber hones for a while and bought a bunch. They were my only finishing hone for a while. I have a few that impart a super comfortable and sharp shaving edge. They can do it in just a few strokes too. They are pretty amazing. Modine continues to test and grade them. It makes me want all the really good ones. There goes that AD again.
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  2. #32
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Now I'm confused... "xxxxxx Hone"!
    I consider a barber hone as a pocket-sized synthetic refresher stone from the age of most barbers using SR's.

    Haven't really given mine a good go, yet. I'm not "overly enthused" at all. I was learning about them and found this poll, with about a dozen votes. As it was well-composed (albeit poorly voted), I tried to revive it thinking we had more than 20 members with barber hones.

    Now we has 46, maybe that's all the SR users here and it's all smoke and mirrors making the place seem populated.

    Last edited by WadePatton; 02-16-2014 at 05:25 AM.
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  3. #33
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    I have two which are both Genco branded, one of which is a strop backed hone.

    As I only have the Norton 220/1k combo and 4k/8k combo, I'm currently finishing on the non-strop backed hone and getting good results. One of these days, I'll either get a Naniwa 12k or the three natural stone set from AJ off of the 'Bay...
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  4. #34
    Senior Member sinnfein's Avatar
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    I have one barber hone, it is a "Wonder". I don't use it much any more unless I'm going to be away from my other hones, such as deployments or long trips to keep my edges. I used to use it after my 8K before I got my Nani 12K

  5. #35
    Senior Member Foxhill's Avatar
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    I have one barber hone, a Velvet Edge. It's ok, but doesn't give as nice a touch-up/edge as my welsh slate. Because of this, it spends most of its time in the drawer. I might take it on vacation with me, though.

  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I have a few, but have only used 3 different ones to refresh my razors. Rarely do I use them at all. I have a 'beat up" Swaty just for finishing my knives & sometimes for axes.

    My barber hones are as follows:
    Auburn # 4
    Barber Frank Natale's 3 Line Swaty
    Carborundum 4" razor hones; "3"- 118's, "1"- 152, "5"- 103's
    Diamond King
    Drei Reihen 3-line
    Double Duck
    Everkeen Strop Hones- "3"
    Franc Swaty 3 line
    Franz Swaty 3 line
    Franz Swaty 2 line
    Franz Swaty 2 line, 8 inch NOS
    The Swaty Three Line (American Made, I Believe ?)
    Frictionite 00
    GEM Star Strop-Hone-- "3"
    GRACO Strop Hone
    Norton Pike Koenig- "2"
    Pike Krystolo
    Pike Strop Hone -"3"
    W.R. Case & Son

  7. #37
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    You have some pretty top shelf barber hones in the mix my friend. Some of them are rated very high in Modines research. Both the Itsapeech and the Zenith will improve the edge after the Frtionite 00. Some of the Pike ones and a couple of others are likely top shelf as well. That is a great stash.
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  9. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I got most of them 4 years ago, when I started wet shaving by keeping an eye on the bay at all hours, most got listed by people who had no background in wet shaving & had no idea of their worth. Most I got for under $20.00. Now, some of these are priced out of my reach & I don't have the interest that I used to. If I get a hone now , it's for actual use, not to collect.

  10. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I got mine pretty much the same way. I don't use mine much either, but they are totally functional, I'm still chasing my tail looking for the perfect edge.

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  11. #40
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    My barber's hone is a beautiful Diamond King....I used it one time and it felt like it was made of carbide but I consider this a must have just because of the history. And the little stone feels great in the hand. You'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hand...along with a bunch of razors, other stones, MDC, MWF....well, you won't have to do much prying as the stuff will be everywhere so just pick up what you want, I won't care.
    WadePatton likes this.
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