I asked you this last time and I understood your answer then, but now I'm puzzled. You have a razor that's shaving well that you want to bring to the best state. Presumably, whatever test you use tells you it's shavable, so it only needs refining.

Why then, would you ever go back to a 4K stone and rough up the edge? It seems to me that even 15 laps on the 8K may be going in the wrong direction. If that razor grabs, you need to go finer, not coarser. If, at that point, a couple of swipes on a barber hone don't improve the edge, I would think you need an even finer stone (15K) or a .5 paste.

What am I missing?

Quote Originally Posted by "showme1or2"
Randy, am I doomed to mediocrity and so-so shaves if I only have the 4000/8000 and a strop?


No you are are not doomed! You can get an excellent shave with the 8000 Norton. That is why it is recommended. As I said in my prior post on this subject, this is an incremental thing. Getting the edge to the excellent stage takes time. You do not need a pasted paddle strop with .5 and .25 diamond paste. they will never make up for a razor that is not shaving well. They will smooth it out and provide that final finishing touch. But the basic sharpness must still be there first.

If your razor is not shaving you the way that you wish then use a more aggressive sequence.
Such as

use the thumb test or hanging hair test after each sequence and whn you are satisfied then strop and test shave.