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  1. #11
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Remember guys, less strokes is always better. With the Fil's because the ones described here are the large ones, they tend to be a little heavier. Make sure that you put no pressure on the blade when honing, other than the weight of the blade alone. Good Luck. Lynn

  2. #12
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    maybe I am judging my Filarmonica like some judge Dovos, as it is my first (only) one, but it arrived not that sharp. I tried it (with stropping) right out of the box before I had to take it to the hone. Tooo painful. Perhaps you just got a good one? FWIW it does fine now, but it took some work. I am guessing that is mostly the exception (not the rule), though, as the year or two I've been on SRP I've heard a LOT of good about these razors...
    John P.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Any secrets? I think that the Norton Stone (2" with an X pattern) is superior because it really cuts.
    You are suggesting that the 2" Norton is better to use over the 3"?


  4. #14
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    My Fil was passably sharp when it arrived. I wrote this elsewhere- This morn did 6 trips on 8k, 50 trips on 12k, 30 on .5 Cromium Oxide pasted strop then 40 trips on plain strop. Its so sharp it scared the hair off my face. )

  5. #15
    Junior Member toadiefuller's Avatar
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    Default Filarmonica Doble Temple 7/8 - sharpness

    Hmm, mine arrived not sharp AT ALL. I have worked with it off and on for two weeks now on the Norton 4000/8000 and am beginning to wish I had a 1000 stone, as it is sharpening up VERY slowly. I am being very careful to not put any pressure on the blade, but I think having started from such a dull place, that it is just taking quite a while.

  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When I got my 7/8s it was really sharp out of the box I only had to give it a very minor touch up to bring it to full potential. I guess its possible to get a badly honed sample (I got one with my TI damascus) but I don't think I'd use a 1K hone on the Fil. I'd stick with the 4K. If after all the time you've spent and can't get it sharp I'd consider sending it to one of the honemeisters here.

  7. #17
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Try 1-2 lbs of pressure on the 8K for the first 1/2 of your laps then lighten up to just the weight of the razor for the final half.

    This honing should take no more than 1 hour. Even starting with a butterknife dull razor. May be 1 1/2 hrs if there are nicks.

    Hope this helps,

    Quote Originally Posted by toadiefuller
    Hmm, mine arrived not sharp AT ALL. I have worked with it off and on for two weeks now on the Norton 4000/8000 and am beginning to wish I had a 1000 stone, as it is sharpening up VERY slowly. I am being very careful to not put any pressure on the blade, but I think having started from such a dull place, that it is just taking quite a while.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  8. #18
    Senior Member jmsbcknr's Avatar
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    Ok since I started this thread I have been working like a Trogan to get my Fil so it does not pull on my coarse beard. I have used feather lite strokes and 1/2 lb strokes. I have back honed then started on my 4KX8k then 15K Shapton then the .05M paste and even the .25 paste. then 100 strokes on my strop with feather lite pressure. though to my thumb it grabs and it will shave the hair off my arm and leg with no problem it still has difficulty cutting the hair on my face. I wonder if I post some pictures of the blade at 60X on this site if one of you honemeisters would give me some feedback. I can project from 10X to 60X to 200X what is your pleasure.


  9. #19
    Senior Member uthed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmsbcknr
    Ok since I started this thread I have been working like a Trogan to get my Fil so it does not pull on my coarse beard. I have used feather lite strokes and 1/2 lb strokes. I have back honed then started on my 4KX8k then 15K Shapton then the .05M paste and even the .25 paste. then 100 strokes on my strop with feather lite pressure. though to my thumb it grabs and it will shave the hair off my arm and leg with no problem it still has difficulty cutting the hair on my face. I wonder if I post some pictures of the blade at 60X on this site if one of you honemeisters would give me some feedback. I can project from 10X to 60X to 200X what is your pleasure.

    60X-100X ought to do it .....

  10. #20
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by jmsbcknr
    I wonder if I post some pictures of the blade at 60X on this site if one of you honemeisters would give me some feedback. I can project from 10X to 60X to 200X what is your pleasure.

    Oh do it anyway, I'm drooling already.

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