Just recieved brand new 6/8 bismark red handled broke the ceal and it has been been prehoned i did'nt ask for prehoned but i can see hone wear on the spine weard thing is the hone wear runs down the spine from toe and stops well before the heal i put it on my 3inch wide coticule layed the spine flat and the toe a good quarter of the end does'nt touch the hone i fliped over and that side rocks side to side as if the spine has a high point in the middle i've worked it up and down a 1k it is a little better but i stopped because i was getting spine wear and the toe on one side was developing a uneaven fat bevel as i am not sure this was going to work i thought best left alone this is my third dovo they all seem to have similar problems i get them on the hone by altering my stroke but i should be able to hone flat what is the best way to tackle these kind of problems.

When i looked at the spine wear i just new it was'nt going to lay flat on hone because the hone wear literaly on went 3 quarters down the spine i have honed many of razor and i always get spine wear the full lenght of spine