View Poll Results: Do you pyramid

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  • Yes

    10 18.52%
  • No

    28 51.85%
  • Sometimes

    16 29.63%
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Thread: Do you pyramid?

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Lynn is not one of the best, but THE BEST honemeisters around. A master at his trade. He has always recommended the pyramid system as a method of honing. I think, because it is simple, it is repeatable and it gives someone new to honing a place to start, with little or no experience, and end up with a finished product they can use.

    With that said though, I must confess that I personally use a progressive method. The only reason I don't use the pyramid is because I rely on a more sensory method of feedback that gives me repeatable results.

    The pyramid method works, not only for just the Nortons but for Naniwa's and Shaptons as well. I would definately recommend this method to someone new to honing. It is a great way to develop your skills.


  2. #12
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Nope; but then I don't own a Norton 4k or 8k. I believe pyramids would work well, I just haven't experimented with it very much.

  3. #13
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    Im wondering if anyone pyramids, with naturals? Ive done it with the Arkansas surgical black and translucent...anyone?



  4. #14
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Just wanted to thank everyone who's posted thus far.

    I also realized I forgot to post that I myself do not pyramid. I use a King 1k and naturals above that. I used to be on a BBW/Coti, then added in a PHIG (People's Hone of Indeterminate Grit) as a finisher, recently was given a very nice Asagi, and have had the pleasure of playing with a Dragon's Tongue and Charnley Forest that I have on loan. I do straight progressions with slurry on whichever stone (BBW or DT) comes right after my 1k and only water from thereon up.

  5. #15
    ?? clavichord's Avatar
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    Natural stones and no pyramids.

  6. #16
    < Banned Scammer >
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    I pyramid with Spydercos Med. and Fine.

    After I set the bevel on a DMT Coarse, I go to a pyramid on the spydercos.
    Here is my usual progression:
    25M 25F
    20M 25F
    15M 20F
    12M 15F
    10M 12F
    8M 10F
    5M 8F
    3M 5F
    1M 3F

    After that, if the razor is not soundlessy popping the hairs off my arm all across the blade, I go back to a 10M or 8M progression (from the list above) then test again. If still no, I will go to 5M and repeat as necessary.

    This progression works for me, and produces a very comfortable edge.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to sapito318 For This Useful Post:

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  8. #17
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    I'm an aspiring honester with only a few razors under my belt but I fall into sometimes as a coincidence.

    What I do is set a goo bevel on the 1k.
    Then sharpen on the 3k AS LITTLE AS possible to pop hairs on my arm. (to preserve steel)
    Then I sharpen the bulk on the 5k til I am decimating arm hair. If I can't get there it means I didn't spend enough time on the 3k and drop back down (this results in a sort of pyramid, because each time I drop back I do fewer and fewer strokes on the 3k)
    Then I "finish" on a Swaty as it's fast enough and high enough grit till I can sort of HHT. If I can't get there I drop back, etc etc pyramid 5k and Swaty.
    Then I truly finish on my J-nat or Thury (usually random) and pyramid that with the strop til I'm satisfied. Or I pyramid the two of em, or use all three. I basically mess around with them 10-20 strokes at a time til I get a good edge.

    edit: I use naniwas so whether you buy into it or not the 3k/5k is like the norton 4k/8k in particle size. Either way I figure if I'm getting a good edge I'm getting a good edge
    Last edited by khaos; 09-18-2009 at 05:31 AM.

  9. #18
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    If i set abevel on 1k n i will progress 4k 8k bbw/coti .I have performed pyramids on the norton and naniwas and i have had great results its great for a razor that is'nt quite how you would like thats when i some times go back and do small pyramid.

  10. #19
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Nope, never tried. I have trouble multi tasking.
    One stage at a time or I get confused
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  11. #20
    It's Domo-kun bromion's Avatar
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    Maybe I am doing something wrong, but whenever I try pyramid, I end up with a pretty dull razor. Last few times I have successfully honed using a progressive technique, going back for a pass only if I notice a wire edge develop.

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