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Thread: Mehaz razor

  1. #31
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Congratulations on your tenacity!
    I would have to agree with the others regarding the 220 grit stone. Don't use that anymore. All you are doing is chipping the edge. Been there, done that.

    From now on what you might try, if you nhave the patience, is the following.
    After each shave with that razor
    3/3,3/3,3/3,1/3, 1/3,1/3
    12000- 20
    abrasive strop - 30
    Repeat the above after each shave and notice the rate of change. Stop when the razor is as good as the TI.

    Hope this helps,

    Quote Originally Posted by str8razor
    Well, gentlemen I finally got this SOB to shave petty good.
    I finally just did my own agressive honing. I honed it 20 or so laps on the Norton 220, 1000, 4000, 8000 and the Shapton 12000, .50 micron diamond paste on a paddle strop, leather strop. That put a real fine edge on it as far as the thumb goes. What is weird is after each honing round I looked at it with a 150X microscope to see what was going on and after each one the edge still had a minute irregularity but the striations kept getting smaller/smoother which was expected. Under 100X the irregularity wasn't as noticeable. However, regardless of the minute irregularity in the edge it shaves pretty well probably within 85 to 90% of my TI's.

    Thanks for all of your help. Guys this is a really fun hobby/sport/addiction/whatever.

    Bill Watkins
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  2. #32
    MOD and Giveaway Dude str8razor's Avatar
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    Default Mehaz razor

    Thanks Joe and Randy.
    I see what you are saying plus I do remember, I think one of you said on an earlier post, that the 220 does remove a lot of metal and not to use it. I believe the reason that I used the 220 was from the discussion on Korndog's Wonderedge from hell and you guys saying that maybe the edge was old and oxidized and needed removed back to good metal. Sooooo I guess I maybe did that but in the process chipped up the edge. I will, however, try Randys honing suggestion as it does make sense to me. Thanks Joe for your input also I will remember that from now on unless it is real piece of $#@*.

    Bill Watkins

  3. #33
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randydance062449
    From now on what you might try, if you nhave the patience, is the following.
    After each shave with that razor
    3/3,3/3,3/3,1/3, 1/3,1/3
    12000- 20
    abrasive strop - 30
    Repeat the above after each shave and notice the rate of change. Stop when the razor is as good as the TI.
    I assume this is good for any blade. My question is, 'is shaving with the razor an essential element or will simply letting the blade rest for a day or two and going back at it still produce a keener edge (even though we might not be able to tell unless we shave)?

  4. #34
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    At some point the sharpness of the razor will suit you. That is when you stop honing. The only way to know this is to shave with the razor. What you are really learning is how the razor responds to a given honing pattern.

    If you just keep on blindly honing a razor time after time, how will you know when to stop?
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  5. #35
    MOD and Giveaway Dude str8razor's Avatar
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    Default Mehaz razor

    Well I finally got the damned thing to shave good. Actually it has been shaving well for some time I just haven't posted about it. I actually did what Randy Tuttle suggested. I honed it and stropped it a couple of days after each shave and his suggestion really worked. The edge is straight and sharp. Thanks Randy.

    The reason it took so long to get it honed and ready is that I also have other razors that I have been honing on and shaving with.

    Bill Watkins

  6. #36
    Member Quixoticshaver's Avatar
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    I got one of these for Christmas about 14 years ago. It arrived not shave ready and was very frustrating considering I didn't have the money for a hone back then. After giving it another try and reading this thread I was able to hone it to something usable.

    Mine is a bit different though. Mine has Solingen etched into the tang. It seems like a little more reputable placement of that than stamped on the scales. Unknown. Has the been any update on if Mehaz is a legit maker?

  7. #37
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Isn't Mehaz one of the brands to avoid? Can't find the list in the library.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  8. #38
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    Glad you got the sucker sharp. I'm surprised that there appeared to be quality issues. Mehaz is a respected company (yes, Solingen) that's well-known in the spa industry. I used to own a spa in Mexico, and our best and most-expensive clippers came from Mehaz. They do indeed offer lifetime sharpening. Didn't know they made razors. After your story, I might hesitate!

  9. #39
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    2005-2006 - a blast from the past!!!!

    I have one - it is junk that will not take shaving edge.

    I mean, with a lot of work and care, I could make it to barely shave but the amount of work and skill required with the poor quality of the edge puts it squarely in the 'Razor Shaped Object' category.
    Proper razors are shaving tools, do the job well, and do not need to be cajoled to become barely useable. Just like knives are not meant to ladle soup nor ladles are meant to cut steak; the current Mehaz razors are not made for shaving.

  10. #40
    Member Quixoticshaver's Avatar
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    Yeah, don't get me wrong. It is usable, but shaves nothing like my Thiers Issard.

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