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  1. #1
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    Default Iwasaki Hone Countdown - A Test

    I received my first Japanese razor today (an Iwasaki) and had a chance to shave with it. I am completely impressed! I'll still use my other blades, but plan to slowly acquire a nice selection of Japanese blades as well.

    In reading about them here and on other boards, I read that a number of folks have heard that there was at least one instance where a barber in Japan was allegedly able to use an Iwasaki for near 1,000 shaves with nothing but stropping between shaves. I, like most others, am skeptical at that claim, but, since I find myself with a new Iwasaki and a very accurate count of shaves on it (one at the moment) I decided to start a thread and keep track of how far I can push this one before it needs honing. I'll update this at intervals as I notice any changes in the edge (or lack of changes). The only thing I'll do to the edge is strop it. At the moment the stropping will be only on a 3" SRP Premium II. No linen or felt stropping will be done without specifically detailing it. My plan is to use ONLY leather stropping between shaves - no other action except cleaning.

    So, with that, I'll commit to maintain this thread with entries on a weekly basis (and running count) so that we can all see at least one Iwasaki's performance. If I can get anywhere above 300 shaves I'll be impressed! Let the experiment begin....

    Shave Count - 1
    Edge Condition - New
    Changes - n/a - I did notice that there was no perceptible change in the edge even after a high number of ATG passes on my heaviest beard areas.

  2. #2
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    Are you putting python scales on that Iwasaki?

    I can't remain with one blade long enought to see lifetime results.

  3. #3
    The Mok Ookla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    Are you putting python scales on that Iwasaki?
    Rattan?! wrap that thing in snakeskin.

  4. #4
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    Snakeskin! Thanks alot - now my brain is flirting with that idea for the next Iwasaki!

    The idea to somehow embed this one into Monty DID occur to me! But I went with some wax coated cotton or hemp (can't remember). Monty is still unfulfilled. I'm plowing through my pile of blades trying to find a half or quarter hollow that will fit the holes. If all else fails I'll go grab a GD or DA for it.

    Yeah I have the same problem about sticking to one blade. My shaving box is full and there are about 17 other blades laying around it - and close to 200 in my office - I do get distracted :-) This one is in it's own little box right there next to the sink so hopefully I'll have enough discipline to grab it at least twice a week. No problem now because she's the newest, but I have a red scaled Barbas Duras inbound later in the week so that may distract me some. :-) Also have Monty sitting without a blade and as soon as I decide what to plug into her that will undoubtably distract me as well. So many blades but my beard only grows enough to need a shave once a day - too bad! Almost makes me want to become a part time barber after I retire just so I can shave - even if it's other people.
    Last edited by AirColorado; 10-24-2009 at 04:45 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirColorado View Post
    Snakeskin! Thanks alot - now my brain is flirting with that idea for the next Iwasaki!

    The idea to somehow embed this one into Monty DID occur to me! But I went with some wax coated cotton or hemp (can't remember). Monty is still unfulfilled. I'm plowing through my pile of blades trying to find a half or quarter hollow that will fit the holes. If all else fails I'll go grab a GD or DA for it.

    Yeah I have the same problem about sticking to one blade. My shaving box is full and there are about 17 other blades laying around it - and close to 200 in my office - I do get distracted :-) This one is in it's own little box right there next to the sink so hopefully I'll have enough discipline to grab it at least twice a week. No problem now because she's the newest, but I have a red scaled Barbas Duras inbound later in the week so that may distract me some. :-) Also have Monty sitting without a blade and as soon as I decide what to plug into her that will undoubtably distract me as well. So many blades but my beard only grows enough to need a shave once a day - too bad! Almost makes me want to become a part time barber after I retire just so I can shave - even if it's other people.
    You could try rubbing Rogaine on your face, and see if it helps the whiskers grow in faster!

    And I do not think the python scales have the wedge set wide enough to accomodate a fuller grind razor. You may have to stick with full hollows. But see what you think...

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    How about some rogaine on the handle and see what happens.

    Actually I prefer my iwasaki handle in cold steel. That's the macho way.

    I've had mine for awhile though I don't use it often but I would imagine at this point I've gotten about 50 shaves from it with just normal stropping on plain leather and linen. No touchups but when it needs it my Iwasaki Hone is ready for service.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. #7
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    You have an Iwasaki hone?

    Actually, that's probably really bad news for a number of the HAD sufferers here on the forum.

  8. #8
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    This reminds me of a thread my buddy linked me to where they counted how many shaves it would take for shave stick to be depleted.

    I'm glad you're doing this because I decided to use another strop in conjunction with the latigo I already have.

    I never used paste or linen on mine as well.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    I am all for research and investigation, but I have some sobering information...

    I asked my barber how many shaves he got off his kamisori between honing and he said...


    5 Good ones, then if he pushed it 5 ok ones...but he usually didn't push it.

    I'm pretty sure the 1000 shaves story is 1.) exaggerated and 2.) about an Iwasaki straight razor, not a Kamisori. Kamisori are just too soft, I think. The edges get really, really sharp, really really fast on the hones...But who knows! Science!

  10. #10
    Senior Member Steelforge's Avatar
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    I'll do the same experiment when I get mine, I like a challenge!

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