After reading on the 'stropping is king' thread', it all finally fell into place.

Set the bevel - hone lightly on 1k until it passes Thumbnail test (TNT)
(TNT - where blade starts to dig into nail when dragged over it)

Don't do anything else until you've set the bevel!!
Don't do anything else until you've set the bevel!!
Don't do anything else until you've set the bevel!!

Pyramid (or whatever you use) - did mine on Naniwa 3k / 5k until passing thumbpad test.

(I then used barber hone for around 10 strokes)

Strop, Strop, Strop, Strop, Strop, Strop - this really got me there.

At all stages I kept the strokes as light as possible.

Someone posted somewhere about the first 5% (set the bevel) and last 5% (stropping) - this is so true.

Anyway - I'm a bit excited because I've finally got it!

All the best,
Michael (who has finally made his razor shave ready).