Thanks you guys for the swift replies.

I want to try a natural stone this time hoping
it will make sharpening more attractive/interesting
to do.

Hi there
Nakayama is a mine not a stone & as Jim said Maruka is a brand.
e.g. You can have an Maruka brand Uchigumori stone from the Nakayama mine. You should consult your seller for the best choice for your application but I know Uchigumori as well as other kinds are used for polishing Katana. Don't know how applicable they are to planes.
Aha ok, that I did not know. So basically Nakayama Maruka does not mean much besides where it came from and what brand it is.

I did sent an email to japan-tool owner, but have not
received a reply. Maybe too busy.

I am looking for a 20cm long, 7 cm wide finishing(natural) stone for a reasonable price. I don't know 100-200 dollars.

Hoping more people will join this thread and maybe post
their experiences and show me(us)their natural bling bling stones
