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  1. #11
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman
    Something else which is sometimes an issue is the shape of the edge. If it is anything less then perfectly straight (and often even if it is) a VERY subtle rolling of the blade from heel to toe throughout the honing stroke will ensure that the whole edge gets honed. This, as I say, is especially true for razors with a slight curve or 'smile' to them. In my book, this blade shape is actually preferred. Although it takes a little more expertise on the hone, it makes for a nicer shaving experience.


    I will need to try that

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    I'll just continue this thread instead of starting a new one in order to avoid duplication of answers. One of my razors has a toe that I cannot get a keen edge on. I have been doing X-patterns for a long time, putting a small bit extra pressure on the toe because the toe one fifth does not really touch the hone when the razor lies flat on it.

    In spite of this no improvement. For some reason it passes the thumb nail test but it won't shave even one hair off my arm.
    I checked it under the mircoscope and found a few very small nicks/burrs. I am afraid this is due to my own lousy honing and stropping in the past.

    I am not looking forward to a continued honing effort in order to get the last one fifth of the length of the blade in a razor sharp condition, the other 4/5 is keen.

    My thought at the moment is to start using the razor, use only the keen 4/5 of the edge and see what happens.

    Theoretically you would expect the keen bit to wear a bit more than the toe and eventually the cutting edge will become a bit straighter (less smiley). This would lead to a better contact of the toe with the hone during future honing efforts.

    Has anyone have any thoughts on this, done the same?

    I'd like to know. Be honest even if you think my theory is utter crap!
    Last edited by Kees; 08-29-2006 at 08:50 PM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    One thing I've seen discussed that isn't mentioned here is that the height of the hone relative to the soulder may affect the venness of the edge. That is, If it's higher it moves towards one end of the hone and if it's lower, the other. I don't remember which.

    But you can try it. If you think your pressure is pretty even but the results are not, try changing the height of the hone and see if it makes a difference.

    One other thing I'll repeat here that I've said elsewhere is that it's easier to keep pressure constant on a wide hone by pushing straight across, heel first. Along th elines of what Lynn said. If you rest the blade on the hone and only use the fingers to guide it but not to add pressure, you'll have a better chance at an even edge with a wide hone.

  4. #14
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Two thoughts:

    (1) Is it possible that the edge of your hone is chipped or rough, so you're dulling and chipping the heel as it comes off the hone?

    (2) Is it possible that you're just using too much pressure at the heel? This is easy to do since you have more leverage on that part.

  5. #15
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees
    ... putting a small bit extra pressure on the toe ...
    I believe this is a mistake. Extra pressure will oversmooth, round or perhaps even wire your edge. It is important to keep the pressure even. This way whatever is happening along the edge is the same at all points. Try a whole new pyramid and keep that pressure even and traveling up the edge as you X off the hone steadily. I'm more of a Rolling Honer rather than an X Honer although I frequently draw the razor about 1/5 - 1/4 off the hone throughout the stroke, but if I get done rolling the contact up the edge before I've come to the end of the hone I just stop and do an intentional short pass on the way back. If I don't get all the way up to the tip, I'll do an extra half lap for the tip's sake before comming back and all the while I strive for absolute evenness in pressure.

    Keep working at it using the Thumb Test frequently to guage the change in the edge and I belive the touch will come.

    Last edited by xman; 08-30-2006 at 09:04 AM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman
    I believe this is a mistake. Extra pressure will oversmooth, round or perhaps even wire your edge. It is important to keep thepressure even. This way whatever is happening along the edge is the same at all points. Try a whole new pyramid and keep that pressure even and traveling up the edge as you X off the hone steadily. I'm more of a Rolling Honer rather than an X Honer although I frequntly draw the razor about 1/5 - 1/4 off the hone throughout the stroke, but if I get done rolling the contact up the edge before I've come to the end of the hone I just stop and do an intentional short pass on the way back. If I don't get all the way up to the tip, I'll do an extra half lap for the tip's sake before comming back and all the while I strive for absolute evenness in pressure.

    Keep working at it using the Thumb Test frequently to guage the change in the edge and I belive the touch will come.

    I agree with you about evenness of pressure, but I'm willing to bet that if you do the x-pattern with a narrow hone or do the rolling motion you're not using even pressure. I can demonstrate that even pressure with a 2" hone produces a frown. If you're not get getting one you've got to be compensating the pressure as you do the stroke.

  7. #17
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    I agree with you about evenness of pressure, but I'm willing to bet that if you do the x-pattern with a narrow hone or do the rolling motion you're not using even pressure. I can demonstrate that even pressure with a 2" hone produces a frown. If you're not get getting one you've got to be compensating the pressure as you do the stroke.
    I said I strive for evenness. A certain degree of human error cannot be avoided. More or less so depending on the human. I think you're right ultimately. The Rolling Hone will tend toward slightly more pressure at the ends of the edge than in the middle, but the striving or evenness seems to mitigate any niticeable discrepancy. I use a 3" hone (not that it mtters too much) and even if you could demonstrate actually and physically with a real world example rather than a slim thought experiment that a frown would be produced, you've only demonstrated that you produce a frown under certain circumstances. In my limited experience I've seen more wavy edges and uneven bevels than frowns. Narrow stones have many challenges to evenness, but smiling blades defy the stone width and even 'flat' edges with a slight smile can stymie the idea of eveness along the edge at one moment. In my experience relative evenness completely along the edge at the same instant in time is a myth. Particularly to the one handed honer like myself and especially with an even slightly smiling edge. That is why I Roll and others X. When I say "even" I mean using the same pressure (relatively) when it's the tip's turn for concentration as I used for the heel.


  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    One thing I've seen discussed that isn't mentioned here is that the height of the hone relative to the soulder may affect the venness of the edge. That is, If it's higher it moves towards one end of the hone and if it's lower, the other. I don't remember which.

    But you can try it. If you think your pressure is pretty even but the results are not, try changing the height of the hone and see if it makes a difference.
    Sorry Joe,

    I do not understand the above. Can you rephrase that? I do not understand the relation between the height of the hone (or do you mean the thickness of the hone?) and the shoulder (my own, or the razor's shoulder?) on the one hand the evenness of the edge on the other hand. If the blade is in touch with the entire length of the hone underneath what does it matter to which end of the hone it moves? While honing the blade is moved all the time from one end to the other. One thing I did try is to turn the hone round (i.e. not upside down but rotate the left hand end of the hone right and the right hand end left)

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    One other thing I'll repeat here that I've said elsewhere is that it's easier to keep pressure constant on a wide hone by pushing straight across, heel first. Along th elines of what Lynn said. If you rest the blade on the hone and only use the fingers to guide it but not to add pressure, you'll have a better chance at an even edge with a wide hone.
    I'll try this tip and let you know.
    Last edited by Kees; 08-30-2006 at 06:41 AM.

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mparker762
    Two thoughts:

    (1) Is it possible that the edge of your hone is chipped or rough, so you're dulling and chipping the heel as it comes off the hone?
    I don't think so but 'll check again. I do feel however that when the toe is in touch with the hone its passage over the hone feels a bit rough, uneven. But this happens close and further from the edge of the hone and even in the middle of the hone. I feel that's due to the burrs I saw under the mike.

    Quote Originally Posted by mparker762
    (2) Is it possible that you're just using too much pressure at the heel? This is easy to do since you have more leverage on that part.
    I am trying not to. I do have 2 or 3 fingers of my free hand on the spine guiding the razor over the hone, using little pressure.

  10. #20
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    I'd still bevel the hone if it isn't already. And remember that when guiding the razor down the hone, the weight of the scales tends to make the heel bear down harder than you think it is.

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