Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11

I've never experienced a good 8k shave to be honest with you, despite Ray telling Nenad I should. I have a thick beard everywhere though.

Wait, I hear the natives assembling outside MY house . . .
I am using only Norton 4/8K stone for maintainance for this past year, and my razors shave fine. I, like you, have heavy beard. Also, the 8000 grit japanese whetstone only is recomended for maintainance on nassrasur.com. My Itsapeech barber finishing hone is on hold until I lap it to my satisfaction. I am pritty close, but this thing goes trough 1000 grit sandpaper like nobody's business... I will post my progress with it when I start using it...

hm... should we stone or burn him

naah, that's why the forums are, to teach and learn...

have fun,