BBW with water will do nothing ,Bart has said this in hios threads. Thatv is what i have found. If the razor shaves arm hair well. try coticule with water. If you need to set the bevel and have no 1k stone. You could use your coticule with a good slurry with back and forth strokes. If your slurry does'nt go dark fairly quik ,then your stone may be to slow. If the slurry turns grey rather quikly your coti is fairly good cutter. Once you feel the bevl is set you will have to start diluting method to increase keeness. If the razor does'nt shave to your expectations , go back and either try a progession with paste, or perform unicot by adding one layer of tape , do 20 laps on misty slurry and 50 laps on coti clean water , do nice light laps for this. then test again