If the Norton oil stone is like others that I have seen, you should not use the coarse side of that hone at all. The fine side of it might be okay for bevel setting as it is most likely still much more coarse than the Norton 4k. Keep in mind that the terms "coarse" and "fine" are relative, depending on the application.

It is possible that the grit of that oil stone is just continually chipping away at the edge. I have seen this happen with similar hones.

Now, this is complete speculation on my part, but if I'm right, the way around it with the hones you have is to try to set the bevel again with just the fine side of that oil stone. Then, and most critically, spend a lot of time basically setting the bevel again on the Norton 4K. It is possible to set a bevel on the 4k and this is probably what you are going to need to do. You also might want to consider doing some pyramids honing, starting with the aggressive pyramids.

Keep trying. Clauss razors are worth the effort!