The last couple of weeks I've been busy honing a few new acquisitions.
Compared to the original poster, I guess IT really is Just getting warmed up
Here's what and how:
3 Filarmonica #14 EPBD NOS
1 Filarmonica #13 Medallon Taurino NOS
2 Juan vollmer #14 Palmera Extra NOS
2 #14 Ducal NOS
These razors all received a 2-5-8-12K Naniwa superstone treatment, followed by a yellow/green Escher barber hone.

3 customs, already sharpened, I kinda got to my preferred state by giving them about 30 passes on the 12K Naniwa followed by 15 or so passes on the Escher.
After that they all received 15 passes on felt with cr-ox, 10 passes on felt with ,25 micron Diamond spray.
Then they all got a good stropping on fabric, velvet hide and leather form my Kanayama 90000.