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    Default New Razors that need sharpening...

    So I've done a ton of research here on the forums and on the wiki site and still have a couple of questions when it comes to honing a brand new razor that isn't "shave ready".

    I've learned that if you're not using the Pyramid method, a good way to tell that you're done with the 4k stone is to see if the razor will shave arm/leg hair and possibly even pass the HHT (with a false positive). Once you've hit this mark, you can move up in grit.

    However, how do you know when you're done at the 1k and 8k levels?

    One of the new razors I have won't cut arm/leg hair or even pass TNT, so I figured it's a good sign to move to the 1k stone. I just need to know when to move to the 4k stone or start on the 4k/8k pyramids. Should it pass the TNT? or should it pass more than that?

    Secondly, I have another new razor (Solinger Best Quality Dovo) that will cut arm/leg hair, but gives a pretty rough shave.

    I've read to go (4k/8k) 10/10 5/5 3/3 1/3 1/5 and to also go 1/5 3/5 5/5 3/5 1/5.

    Which is better? I know some might say to go with one and if it doesn't work go with the other, but I'm afraid that going with the wrong one might do more harm than good and might cause even more work.

    Thanks in advance for any input!

  2. #2
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Stay on 1k or coarser until you pass the TNT. Use TPT or HHT or shave test after the 4k and up. Practice the TPT and HHT with a DE blade or other known sharp edge.

    I can't help with the pyramids as I don't use them.
    Last edited by Sticky; 07-21-2010 at 09:02 PM. Reason: added link

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'm afraid I've never used the pyramid metod either. Not that it's not a good method it's great for someone starting out so you have benchmarks and guidelines.

    personally I would never use the 1K on a brand new razor and probably the 4K also. If a new razor is so off that you need to do bevel work on it as far as I'm concerned that's a manufacturers defect and should go back to the seller. New razor's I've bought I used the 8K and above if they are not shave ready. Yea you can do a few passes on the 4K and then move on. Always try and use the highest grit possible remember your removing metal when you hone and the lower the grit the more you remove not only on the edge but also on the spine.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    would you please let us know name of the stones are you using it?
    is that Norton, Naniwa.Shapton etc.
    This will give us a little more chance to guide you.

  5. #5
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    i bought the norton kit. 220/1k and 4k/8k stones with the flattener.

  6. #6
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    so just an update on things.

    The B&B (ebay) razor I bought was a failure on the honing stones. At first I thought it was me. But after taking a closer look at the bevel, I could tell that on one side of the blade, towards the middle, the bevel was wider than anywhere else on the blade. On the otherside however the bevel seemed uniform for the most part.

    Also, when I set the blade down on the stone, it wouldn't even lay completley flat. The heel was ever so slightly elevated.

    I checked the stone with my dovo, and it laid perfectly flat, so the B&B blade was just screwed up and I knew I wouldn't be able to get anywhere with it. Hopefully Utopian will have some sort of trick up his sleeve to fix that problem.

    Anyways, I had enough practice on the stones where I felt confident in putting the Dovo Solinger on the 8k. As noted earlier, if a new razor needs to hit the 4k, somethings probably wrong with it. So I stuck with the 8k all the way.

    At first, I didn't think I was getting anywhere. I was mainly trying the HHT. Then after a ton of strokes on the 8k, then a canvas strop and then a leather strop, I was barely able to cut some hair if I positioned the blade JUST right. Not all the way through, but enough to break the hair and leave just a tiny strand left.

    This was already sharper than when I got the razor, so at least I'm headed in the right direction with honing.

    I figured I'd give it a few more strokes on the 8k, canvas and leather, and try for a shave. It definitely pulled hair here and there. And I got a few nicks on my neck. But, without a doubt, it's been the best shave I've had yet. Tomorrow I'll run it through a few more 8k strokes and see if I can pass the HHT with flying colors.

    In the meantime, if you guys have any other suggestions on what I should do, please let me know.

    Thanks already for the few replies I've had, and in advance for any more to come!

  7. #7
    Senior Member basil's Avatar
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    What kind of razor was it?
    Shaving_story on Instagram

  8. #8
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I dont use pyramids either.

    Heres an earlier post I did explaining my progression and all the test I do at various stages of the process.

    That whole thread is great reading if you are wondering how to progress from stone to stone.

    I would also say that the Wiki article on strokes for honing a razor would be very useful if you have a razor that is not laying flat on the hone.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  9. #9
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thorxes View Post

    In the meantime, if you guys have any other suggestions on what I should do, please let me know.
    Grab some magnification device to monitor the edge, this will save you a lot of time.
    If you had to do so many strokes on the 8k stone, you'd have been done by now doing a few strokes on the 4k and finishing on the 8k.
    A loupe or a scope would have told you exactly where the edge is making your options much more clear.
    The benefit from doing so many strokes on the 8k is that you had a good practice on honing stroke.

  10. #10
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    Basil: The crappy razor is a Beauty and Barber. I've never heard of it and have never seen anything on google about it. But I doubt it's a quality brand. The good razor that I got a shave with is a Solinger Best Quality Dovo, sub-brand Col. Ichabod Conk.

    Stubear, thanks for the link to that thread. I'll definitely be taking a good look at all that throughout the day.

    Mainaman, I agree that using the 4k a bit would have helped and saved time. But Thebigspendur said that a new razor shouldn't need a 4k stone, so I just kept working at it with the 8k. In hindsight, doing some type of pyramid work on the 4k/8k would have been optimal. I guess I just second guessed that cuz of Thebigspendur's reply. Also, no one ever clarified what kind of pyramid method to use on a new high quality blade.

    As for now, I think I'll just be able to finish off the Dovo with the 8k. I guess I should just keep at it until it passes the HHT? I assume it should be able to pass without having to strop it correct?

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