I just picked up the Norton combo this evening (side note: Woodcraft is having a 10% off sale right now), and I got their 12k Chinese stone as well. I am new to straight razor shaving, and have never honed, but I guess it could be said that I jump into things. I've read a lot of the advice on here about concentrating on stropping with a shave ready razor, etc., but I can't help it. I did, however, do a lot of reading on here (such a helpful site!) and feel like I've been making good decisions in my approach. I did by a razor that had been freshly honed by an SRP member, which is great. So that is my basis for comparison. I also bought a few other razors that I would like to bring back to life, hence the stones purchase tonight. The razors that I would like to restore are somewhat dull, but have no nicks that are visible or that I am able to feel with my thumb pad. They have all probably sat in a drawer somewhere for many years, unmaintained. Sorry for the long intro, and on to my question. Should I purchase something lower than the 4k to reset the bevels, or should I just start out on the 4k and see how it goes? I've read the Bevel setting wiki, beginners guide to honing wiki, what hones do I need wiki, etc. and I know a stone in the 1k range is recommended. But, could I spend 4 times as long on a 4k stone and achieve the same result? I wouldn't mind if it were even more than 4 times longer, so long as it would save me from buying another stone right now. But, If I have to, I'll go get another stone. Thanks for any input. -Mike