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  1. #21
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    The way I think of it is that I enjoy the hobby, I enjoy honing and I enjoy solving the little puzzle that is each razors edge. Once that puzzles solved then I look forward to the next one!

    Very well put. Thank you.

  2. #22
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    In most trades you have apprentice and master.

    I am still apprentice. But apprentice at what? I will never be a Barber, I only shave one face, mine. A Barber must learn many faces, and the difficulties if each.

    But I will get lots of practice, but only one a day. How many faces did a Barber see each and every day??

  3. #23
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    Line dancing should only be attempted sober, and is a more advanced form of dancing than circle dancing (which is allowed to be done while drunk). Square dancing is more advanced again and while this can be attempted drunk, usually ends with the apprentice smacking into a wall at some point...
    I hope you are getting up to a respectable standard Oz, You won't make Druid Honemeister of the first degree if you can't get these basics down...

    I can't dance to save my life Mick. Looks like I'm doomed to eternal apprenticeship
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  4. #24
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    Since honing seems to be a 'secret art' maybe we should have 33 levels of honing. Every newbie that buys his first set of hones must stand before Lynn who has a copy of the Wiki with him and recite a secret passage. By the Fifth Level, the same initiate will stand before Lynn and his attendant will ask 'what has the master told you?'....'he has told me the rolling-x works well on some wedges.'

  5. #25
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red96ta View Post
    Since honing seems to be a 'secret art' maybe we should have 33 levels of honing. Every newbie that buys his first set of hones must stand before Lynn who has a copy of the Wiki with him and recite a secret passage. By the Fifth Level, the same initiate will stand before Lynn and his attendant will ask 'what has the master told you?'....'he has told me the rolling-x works well on some wedges.'

    I was thinking of something along these exact lines, but didn't wish to sound pedantic.

  6. #26
    Senior Member LawsonStone's Avatar
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    Awesome. I surrender the chair of Master of The Ridiculous to you!


    You left out "Honista" which could it in there somewhere.

    Actually, I'm enjoying "honist." Kind of a journeyman level. Happy honing for myself, recently honed a bit for a couple of my students, no payment or profit just the pleasure of solving the little problems each razor presents.

    Elementary Honist, White-Belt…that's me!

    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    And in the not so serious light that Lawsonstone has meant for this thread, I propose a seven year apprenticeship from Honester/Honestrette, Rockhound/Rockbitch, Honist/ette, Honestrier/ette (Notice it takes the word 'Honest' to spell that one.), RockGuru, Stonecollecter and Journeyman Honemeister. Then when they reach their Twentieth year from Honester they can then consider themselves a full Druid Honemeister of the first degree. I reckon by then they might nearly know everything about honing, stones, steels, chemical analysis of stones and steel, circle dancing and human sacrifice...

    Just my contribution.


  7. #27
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Just remember Lawson in some styles the professor pastmaster also wears a white sash
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  8. #28
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Honestly though, isn't the one who isn't learning or will not admit it who is the one who is lacking?
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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