Thanks Glen, thats very useful info. I have just ordered a set of DMT hones so I will remember that.
The lapping stone/hone issue has been around for a long time now and it seems it has been determined that a DMT 325 is probably the best way to go.
My experience lapping Nortons has been just about the opposite from Glens. The majority of times I have used just wet/dry sandpaper and never experienced embedded grit on my hones. But.... that changed when some new guys brought over their new Norton 4K and they had small holes in them that needed to be lapped out. The little holes became filled with abrasives and no amount of scrubbing with anything got it out. A DMT 325 was the best solution for that situation.
I agree that the flatness issue is overstated and also agree that even if the hone is rounded it can be used . For the new guys...the one thing to watch out for is a hone that is dished out in the center ( sides are higher than the middle of the hone). That needs to be lapped out.
Just my $.02,