
So I still just have my first razor (Dovo) that is in shaving condition and I've been using it every day for a little over a month. It still shaves fine but I think just because it was the razor I learned with it may be going dull a little quicker than if I were an experienced user.

That being said, I'm also hoping to learn to hone. I've done my research on hones and technique but I have a specific question that I need to ask although I'm sure it has been answered before.

Since the razor is in great condition and still has a keen edge, can I simply use a very high grit stone (10-12K) to get the edge back once it begins to "dull" or will I need to do some sort of stone progression. I ask this because mainly when I look at honing it is related to some sort of restore and not always applied to a blade in workable condition.

Of course if I were restoring something I would likely need multiple stones but looking to get started, and using a new blade, would it be sufficient to get a nice natural stone or a 12K naniwa, shapton, etc.? (I know it is also a point of preference but I used these stones just as an example)