Originally Posted by
BigJim is a newbee, like me.(he said so, and I think also said it was his first razor, first time?) Do you really suggest he try to set a bevel with a 5k stone? Or putting any pressure on the blade to set the bevel?
Would you advise against lapping his new sharpening stone?
And if the guy really just wants to sharpen his razor, would it be easier for him to learn on a 3 in wide norton, that will help correct his stroke(like training wheels, by allowing him to keep the whole blade on the stone at once and just move it forward) or try keeping the razor flat on a 1 1/2" wide stone with an x-stroke?
Gotta keep it simple. BigJim is not a veteran, he's new at this, like me, and any way to simplify the process and take out the variables will make his life easier. There are a lot of factors at play that are critical for success. What if he never lapped his stones? Or lowered the handle and lifted the blade, as he was making an x-stroke(causing the edge of the razor to scrape the edge of the stone) or what if he's putting too much pressure, but thought it was OK because you told him it was OK when setting the bevel, so he lays on the blade and puts 20-30lbs of pressure on it?
Btw, I'm sure kees is right that a razor only honed on a narrow stone will not take to a 3" stone easily. I did not think of that.