Past this particular razor, I don't know if I will have much need for DMT 325, but I might.
Right now, I need to establish an edge and Norton 220 has been slow as molasses. I breadknifed the edge and I would estimate my edge was about 5 mil wide at the toe and maybe 4 mil wide at the heel and close to zero in the middle. I spent roughly 10 hours on Norton 220 and got the toe to about 1.5 mil and the heel to about 1 mil. I am using straight strokes on the hone. This just doesn't sound reasonable to me, but I may be wrong.
I would probably be better off with a narrow hone and X-strokes on this razor, but I figured as long as I have this nice wide Norton, I can "train" the razor to this stone.

What is the ballpark figure for the number of times you can use the DMT 325 to lap Norton before the DMT gets too "worn out"?