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Thread: Chinese 12k leaves edge dull?

  1. #31
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    HHT can be deceiving, on a coarse stone you will have sawtooth edges that can pass a HHT test but are terrible to shave with. Same with the mirror edge, it looks very nice but doesn't always mean a perfect edge. If I use a Coticule and CrOx, I'll have a REALLY nice edge but probably not mirrored. My best tests are actually shaving or the arm/leg hair test where you are just removing the tips of the hair.

  2. #32
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    What are you using to define "sharp" or "dull"?
    From reading, it looks like the HHT and whether the bevel looks mirror smooth?
    What stones do you have other than the PHIG and the Escher?

    I went back and read most of this thread. I think you razor is not ready to be on a finishing stone.

    and... FWIW, the two stones I have gotten from open_razor have required very little lapping in comparison to ones that I've gotten elsewhere.
    Last edited by HNSB; 07-18-2011 at 10:43 PM.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  3. #33
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Although I would not say it is good, bad, or even unnecessary, but honestly I have never used anything higher then a 325 either a Shapton DGLP or a DMT 325 to lap stones and create slurry...

    PHIG's are like any other Natural stone, there are variations between them, anytime you hear some people praise a stone and others cuss a stone you can usually bet one of two things are going on either there are new honers involved in the conversation or one of the stone being discussed is a natural stone...

    Here is some info about PHIG stones...
    onimaru55 likes this.

  4. #34
    Junior Member wojtek's Avatar
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    What are you using to define "sharp" or "dull"?
    After final polishing on CrOx balsa paddle I did HHT but hair was just sliding on the edge, it wasn't even vibrating giving that specific sound and real shaving was uncomfortable. It felt like the razor wasn't cutting the hair but pulling them instead.

    What stones do you have other than the PHIG and the Escher?
    I also used Arkansas stone, an old German stone used for optical instruments. Very smooth, giving very polished edge.

    I went back and read most of this thread. I think you razor is not ready to be on a finishing stone.
    I thought about it. Now I'm looking for some cheap old razor I can work on and try many different techniques.

  5. #35
    Senior Member Lesslemming's Avatar
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    Well, obviously you do not have all the stones necessary for a restore, or even a bevelset.
    You only have three stones, all of them rather in the finishing range.

    Why donīt you invest in one of the recommended honing systems, like a Norton 4k/8k with a 1k for bevelsetting.
    This way you can be sure that the stones you use are prefectly fine.
    If the edge coming of the Norton 8k is sufficiently you can hit your three finishers and see if your edge improves,
    and considering the Esher they should do so significantly!

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