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Thread: Too sharp?

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    IMHO you should work on getting good shaving edges from your 8k before you move to higher grit stones.
    If your edge is not good off 8k it will not improve by adding a finer stone.
    This is the truth. If you aren't getting all you can out of the 8k going to a 10, 12 or 16k is putting icing on a half baked cake. I also agree with Lynn on giving the pyramids a chance. I use that method a lot of the time. It worked when I started out and it still works today. Particularly like to use it on smiling blades.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  2. #32
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    I'll give the pyramid another try using Lynn's #'s.

    Here's another thing I noticed last night after using the 1k GS that I hadn't noticed before, since I hadn't used the 1k on this SR before; the bevels on each side of the blade appear to my naked eye to be different sizes. The bevel on the back of the blade, opposite side of the Dovo insignia, seems to be wider than the bevel on the front side. This is after honing on the 1k. When the razor was new, and since using it on the 4k & 8k, the bevels appeared to be the same.

    If this is true, then I assume that's it due to the edge not being exactly centered on the spine therefore the angle of each bevel is different, therefore the size of each bevel is different.

    If this is not the case, then there's something going on w/ my honing. I lay the spine on the stone the same way on each side in each direction. I'm not taping the spine.

    Or maybe I'm just imagining this...

  3. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpukas View Post
    Here's another thing I noticed last night after using the 1k GS that I hadn't noticed before,
    since I hadn't used the 1k on this SR before; the bevels on each side of the blade appear
    to my naked eye to be different sizes.
    Not to worry...
    As long as both sides have a clean bevel that
    generates a clean edge from toe to heel you
    are good to go.

    Some difference is normal and expected. In
    the future you can give the skinny side some
    extra circles or Japanese style hone strokes
    with the goal of minimizing the difference over
    a year. Do not rush to correct it.

    It can be a result of uneven pressure so do
    slow down and hone with just the weight of
    the razor. As long as you are honing with fine
    hones (4K and finer) this should not get out
    of hand and prove to be a problem.

  4. #34
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    My own honing gave the same pattern you describe--the back side bevel wider than the front side bevel. It was because my return stroke was a little stronger than my away stroke. Niftyshaving's solution is the one to try if you decide to even the bevels up.

    Is there really a Gyptucky, CO? I'm in Grand Junction, and have some finer hones you can try out if you're in the area.

    Best wishes to you.
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