Hello, all! Just now joined.
I recently got all my gear from classicshaving and I'm pretty pleased so far. The razor is a Dovo Inox and it came pretty sharp. But it didn't pass any of the tests you guys talk about, so I attemped to hone.
Bad idea. It went from pretty sharp to pretty dull! Well then I found out that my norton 4/8 needed to be lapped, so I did that and I think its flat now. My razor is starting to get a little more sharp, but still after quite a while on the hone its nowere close.
I've read lots of threads on lots of sites that mention this mystery called the Pyramid system of honing. But I can't find anywhere that actually outlines the system. Could someone please list it out in detail? Also, any additional pointers would be appreciated. I'm trying to learn to do this myself, before I have to break down and send it away to be professionally honed. Thanks in advance!