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Thread: BIG chip in russian ebay blade

  1. #11
    Senior Member RogueRazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    If the chip is not even visible with the naked eye, breadknifing it on a DMT is like killing a mosquito with a hammer.
    Doing a couple of passes on the 1K works just fine.

    lol, it's one dead mosquito though. I took it very easy on the DMT and checked it under the scope and it looks fine. I did quite a few passes on the 1 k with the spine taped yesterday and it didn't even come close to removing it.

    we'll see; I'll re work the bevel when I come home from work today and see what it looks like.

    This is definitely a learning process for me but I am not afraid to make mistakes during it, which is a plus.

    thanks for the info though, appreciate all the help from everybody

  2. #12
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    The problem is not that the mosquito is very quickly killed, it's that the table underneath the mosquito gets smashed.
    Breadknifing is a pretty drastic action, and can have other results.

    And a 1K with slurry can actually be much more aggressive than a 325 diamond plate.
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  4. #13
    Senior Member RogueRazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    The problem is not that the mosquito is very quickly killed, it's that the table underneath the mosquito gets smashed.
    Breadknifing is a pretty drastic action, and can have other results.

    And a 1K with slurry can actually be much more aggressive than a 325 diamond plate.
    thanks for the info. I was very gentle with the pressure but that's good to know.

  5. #14
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    On this forum the penalty for bread-knifing is 50 lashes with an SRD Latigo strop.
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  6. #15
    Senior Member RogueRazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    On this forum the penalty for bread-knifing is 50 lashes with an SRD Latigo strop.
    ouch )

    unfortunately it worked perfectly. the chip came out, the bevel got re set and the edge came out to a nice mirror finish.

  7. #16
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    Agh. Breadknifing. It's just a lot of work. Now if the blade is a crapper and you want the practice...then by all means test it out. But for something with a minor frown or chip, breadknifing will surely buy you a couple extra hours on the hone that you really didn't need.

    The few times that I've done it, halfway through resetting the bevel my mind is saying "Oh're an idiot....why did you do this??!!"

    It's like having a few too many wobbly pops. You wake up in the morning and say you're never going to do that again....but two months later.....

  8. #17
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    On this forum the penalty for bread-knifing is 50 lashes with an SRD Latigo strop.
    Never mind the Latigo strop, the penalty should be the paddle strop!!!

  9. #18
    Senior Member RogueRazor's Avatar
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    ok guys, if breadknifing is such a horror perhaps the wiki should not have it so well detailed in it's explanation of how to deal with chips? BTW , as I wrote above it solved my problem on both blades very easily and resetting the bevel and edges turned out great.

  10. #19
    Senior Member RogueRazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxi View Post
    Agh. Breadknifing. It's just a lot of work. Now if the blade is a crapper and you want the practice...then by all means test it out. But for something with a minor frown or chip, breadknifing will surely buy you a couple extra hours on the hone that you really didn't need.

    The few times that I've done it, halfway through resetting the bevel my mind is saying "Oh're an idiot....why did you do this??!!"

    It's like having a few too many wobbly pops. You wake up in the morning and say you're never going to do that again....but two months later.....
    I hear what everyone is saying but what cost me more time on the hone was trying to get it out that way and everytime I went back to the 'scope the crater was still there )

    a few light passes over the 325 dmt and it was even up with the rest of the edge and the "table" below the mosquito was fine.

  11. #20
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RogueRazor View Post
    ok guys, if breadknifing is such a horror perhaps the wiki should not have it so well detailed in it's explanation of how to deal with chips? BTW , as I wrote above it solved my problem on both blades very easily and resetting the bevel and edges turned out great.
    Breadknifing is in the Wiki as a tool for restoring badly damaged edges, not removing invisible chips

    Quote Originally Posted by RogueRazor View Post
    I hear what everyone is saying but what cost me more time on the hone was trying to get it out that way and everytime I went back to the 'scope the crater was still there )
    Seriously ??? You said the chip was invisible to the naked eye. When I read that I thought even 1k may have been overkill. I'm almost thinking your honing was not reaching the edge for some reason, like a warp etc...
    Shame you couldn't have taken a pic to give us an idea of the size.

    Just to give you a point of reference I removed chips from a Henkels 5/8 Inox with a 1k Shapton Pro in 5-6 minutes of normal honing. Some of the chips were the full depth of the original bevel.
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