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Thread: Of this overkill for a beginner?

  1. #1
    Senior Member bottomfeeder's Avatar
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    Default Of this overkill for a beginner?

    I'm thinking about purchasing the complete set of naniwa super stones from SRD and am wondering if this over kill. Would I really find use with the 220 and 400 grits? Our should I just buy a select few of them? And advice is appreciated.

  2. #2
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    You would do better to leave off the low grits and get a DMT 8c.
    Though... I use the SS 400 for lapping C12ks. It seems to be the perfect lapper for them. It does wear down quickly though.

    You could also leave off the 2k, though IME it does a really nice job of reducing 1k scratches in a hurry.

    You can also get away with either a 3k or 5k, you don't really need both.

    Then again... if you don't get them all, your HAD ridden subconscious mind may cause you to have nightmares for the rest of your life. ;-)

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  3. #3
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    No, I don't think all are necessary. I have the 1k, 3,5,8,10, & 12. I could probably drop the 3 or 5k with no problem and the 10k and never miss them. I use the norton 220/1000 for repairs and bevel setting, and some use the DMT 325 to do repairs. I would definitely get the DMT 325 for lapping any stones you decide on, it never needs lapped itself being a steel/diamond plate and will lap stones many times. gssixgun uses a king or chosera 1k for a lot of his bevel sets, but the chosera is out of stock frequently, so I have no experience with it, but I greatly respect Glen's choices. I have trouble setting the bevel on the Naniwa 1k, and I think that it's because it's a gentler stone, and I'm a little impatient. I think maybe a 1k and then a 3 or 5 and an 8k and 12 k would be a good Naniwa choice but for bevel setting its kind of according to taste. Hope this wasn't too convoluted. By the way, I have started using a new coticule for a lot of this, but the price is high and most say it's a difficult stone to learn. I either got a great stone or my honing skills are so aberrant that it some how fit the coticule.. Go guess!! Hope this helps a little. Regards, Howard
    Last edited by SirStropalot; 11-15-2011 at 04:23 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bottomfeeder View Post
    I'm thinking about purchasing the complete set of naniwa super stones from SRD and am wondering if this over kill. Would I really find use with the 220 and 400 grits? Our should I just buy a select few of them? And advice is appreciated.
    Are you a beginning shaver (with a working razor) or a beginning restorer?

    If you're a beginning shaver (with a working razor to keep sharp forever), you just need the fine-grit stones -- 8K / 12K -- and something to keep them flat (DMT plate, flattening stone, or sandpaper + granite tile).

    If you're a beginning restorer, the full set (and a flattening stone or DMT plate) should be all you need.


  5. #5
    Senior Member jeness's Avatar
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    If i would have to start from scratch again, than I would buy this set: SS 400, 1k, 3k/5k, 8k, 12k, and a DMT8C for lapping. If you have some money to spend, and you plan on honing a lot, than upgrade the SS400 and 1k for the chosera version, and the DMT for an Atoma 400.

  6. #6
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Yes. Overkill.
    If you go for those stones, and you just want to maintain razors, a 3K and an 8K would suffice. If you can't get a decent shave off 8K, getting higher grit stones is just a waste of money.

    If you are also going to hone dull razors, a DMT D8C and a 1K grit hone would be a good addition.
    Buying any more than that -until you get good shave off an 8K- is pointless. You can't buy your way into skill
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  7. #7
    Senior Member jeness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Yes. Overkill.
    If you go for those stones, and you just want to maintain razors, a 3K and an 8K would suffice. If you can't get a decent shave off 8K, getting higher grit stones is just a waste of money.

    If you are also going to hone dull razors, a DMT D8C and a 1K grit hone would be a good addition.
    Buying any more than that -until you get good shave off an 8K- is pointless. You can't buy your way into skill

    I honed my first hundred razors only up to 8k, and it helped me a lot in progressing. There is no need to finish on a stone higher than 8k until you know how good a 8k shave can be. Also, the learning curve is much steeper if you try to master a finishing hone too, parallel to the other stones.

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    Objectively - I can't shave off an 8k and it's not because I can't max out a blade on one. I can, I have, and the shave was lousy every time. It wasn't until I scored a 12k SS that I was able to see what truly well finished edge could do for me.
    The thing is - if you progress up slowly, you'll find where you want to be a lot faster. There is sense to sticking to an 8k... and learning how to max out on one before buying the next higher-grit stone.
    Starting off with a big load of rocks is guaranteed confusion though. 1k, 3k, 8k, 12k or 1k, 3k, 5k, 10k would be a great starter set of Super Stones. If you don't need low grits now, then buy them later. A 3/8k combo is nice but I prefered the 20mm thick baseless stones so I could use the sides on
    As someone noted - a 2k SS wipes out the 1k SS scratch pattern quickly, where a 3k will/should do the same, but with a bit more work. A 5k is a luxury if you have an 8k - but the 5k is to the 3k what the 2k is to the 1k. Need one? No... is it nice to have? You betcha. warped/smiling blades. The 10k and the 12k seemed similar enough in practical use to me.. I could live with either and be happy. I had both for a while and I never really found much improvement on a 10k edge to be possible with 12k.
    Eventually - I sold the SS set and moved to Choseras... The SS set was fantastic but the Chosera stones are pure bliss... I actually like them as much as I like using natural hones... I still finish on a natural after the 10k though.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Dllandry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamma View Post
    Objectively - I can't shave off an 8k and it's not because I can't max out a blade on one. I can, I have, and the shave was lousy every time.
    Mmmmm have you ever shaved off someone other than yourself's 8K honing of a razor, I ask because just about everything I have seen has said if you cant get it done off an 8K then you did something wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dllandry View Post
    Mmmmm have you ever shaved off someone other than yourself's 8K honing of a razor, I ask because just about everything I have seen has said if you cant get it done off an 8K then you did something wrong.
    Actually - yes I have. A few times. Oh yes, I can shave with an 8k blade. But the shave won't be a good one. A good portion of my face will be fine, but there are several spots where the edge will pull/tug. There are 2 spots where I will bleed because the blade will not cut several whiskers in those areas.
    Those spots have always been bad for me - Even with a DE - a brand new Feather will hang up on those whiskers...doesn't matter how I prep either. Just doesn't work - I really do need a keener and more refined edge than what an 8k synth can give me.

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