Yes, it would have been significantly less circles and x strokes but I'm not big on the pressure thing, I prefer to do more work at less pressure.
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It wouldn't necessarily be the wine, my 'methods' will confuse anyone! :-)
So, obviously I'm doing the TNT a little late in the process. I did realise it'll kill the edge, which is why I did 20 laps on the 4k after the test, hoping that would 'bring the edge back'. OK, so circles to set the bevel, TNT during that time to check, then just TPT after that?
1st shave today w/ a Weeden & Kremp Gunmetal 9/16:
4k: 40 circles med slurry, 40 light slurry, 40 no slurry; 10 light x-strokes on light slurry on the 8k & bevel was good.
Then the usual: 4k 40 circles light pressure, 40 " no pressure, 15 x-strokes weight of blade; 8k 15 x-strokes & ~ 15 strokes to dry.
Stropped & shaved a 4 day beard this morning. Just for fun, shaved my left sideburn only w/ an Oozuku finished razor. Went through a bit easier than the right, but rest of the shave was done w/ the Norton edge only. THe shave was excellent, plenty shave-ready & very smooth.
Next on honing was an Erik Anton Berg 5/8 w/ a big spine (not quite a frameback). Took longer on the bevel set & got a bit distracted, so lost the exact count. :gaah: Was ~50% more work to get the bevel. THen did closer 50-60 on the circles, but kept the protocol the same. Finished w/ 20 x-strokes on the 8k, followed by another 20 w/ lather. Have yet to strop, but was popping arm hairs nicely (I usually need to strop before I get lots of popping, but if I get some, the razor is usually there). Look forward to stropping & shaving w/ this!
I've not joined in this. I have read the thread and it made me hone my silver wing TI. With my 4k/8k. Mine has been cut down the centre. So its only 8x1.5, i gave the other half away. I soon set the bevel with some half strokes. then i did 50 very light x strokes on the 4k. std 20 on the 8k. stropped and probed with usaul hht. I then did another 5 very light strokes on 8k. stropped and probed. I did another 5 very light x strokes on 8k.
Shaved this morning. I started out with norton4k'8k and i no the 8k can deliver a very nice shave. all though as a beginner i was very hit and miss. The shave of my silver wing this morning, was with out a shadow of dout as smooth as you'd ever need. The smoothness and shavability is as good as it gets. If i did not no any differant i would of thought the edge was finished on a 10k 12k, not rough at all and very silky smooth. I will shave of this razor for a while. I may just add 5 laps extra before each shave and see what the 8k is realy capable of. the edge is more than good enought for me . It will be interesting to see what differance a thew laps on a finisher would make... I carn't imagine a great deal. But i can see why peole have shaved of 8k norton, and had no problems..
How did I miss this learning experience and challenge?
First I need to find a clean un-pasted strop.
I have gotten quite fond of my now grey canvas and
very dark leather. That good stuff CeOx stuff is almost
addicting and the self generated steel swarf just makes it
Are folk going to hone once and only strop for the rest
of the month? Are folk pondering ways to notice
a light roll or dulling of the edge that triggers a revisit to the 8k
only or both 4k/8k as needed. As a shaver not a honemaster
I use the 8k a lot more than the 4k.
Some great stuff on here already. Thanks gents!
Well tried my first shave with the 4/8 "harmonie" razor tonight and much to my surprise it wasnt bad at all. I am over the moon with that result considering its the first ever honing I have attempted. I have to thank Glen so much cos if it wasnt for him I would never have tried any honing. Hats off to you master.
Finally can I ask you guys what is the best next step in order just to tweak the razor a little? A few X strokes on the 8K or just shave a couple more times with it and see how it goes?
The bengal is next for honing.
late post but started on the first.
Razor 1, 6/8 BELL razor. Razor 2, 6/8 Can't Be Beat. both in an ivory evening jacket both with a gentle smile :)
razor 1, honed on 4k light slurry to water pigtail sweeping X's and on 8k light slurry untill it was greay, refreshed slurry and diluted to water, rinsed hone and honed very lightly untill the 8k was damp.
this produced a suprisingly comfortable and close shave.
razor 2, honed 4k only water untill there was a decent amount of swarf, rinsed and honed for 30-40 refreshing water every 10ish strokes, repeated on the 8k.
this gave a sharp edge and a close shave but was a little harsh.
I took it back to the 8k and light slurry diluted to water with sweeping pigtails produced a much smoother shave but may need a little tweaking.
oh, the stroke is a combination of the sweeping x (Gssixgun) and the pigtail stroke from the Irish Barber (Liam Finnegan)
ps, please add me to the List Glenn, KalgoorlieBoi/Donald