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Thread: The Famous/Infamous Norton 4/8 "JaNorton 2012"

  1. #481
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    I honed a razor for my dad earlier today using only the Norton 4000/8000, and the results were quite nice. I don't remember exactly what I did, but it took a little while on the 4k side since the bevel had to be reset. After polishing up on the 8k side, I stropped on denim about 50 laps and then on leather 100 laps. After all that I decided to test it out. Prep was my normal routine and the shave went really well. I got a little burn on my neck, but I'm still a noob straight shaver and I haven't figured out how to shave my neck yet; I attribute the burn to my technique.
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  2. #482
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Ok, I've had two shaves the past two days after touching up the Le Canadien and both have been lacklustre. This blade gives me trouble, so I'm going to go back to the stones, yet again.

    Today I took it for 10 laps on water and a further 10, super-light strokes on the damp stone. It still pulled a bit and felt rough, even after 50 webbing, 100 'roo on the strop. More fine-tuning, I guess.

    Yesterday's writeup:


  3. #483
    32t is offline
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    After reading these posts for a while now I have decided that either I am the worlds greatest honer or have a face made out of stone.

    Since I know I have a lot to learn about honing my face must be made of Granite. I am polishing the edge every time I shave!

    Therefore disregard any findings of mine as I am unintentionally cheating.

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  4. #484
    Senior Member BanjoTom's Avatar
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    To date, since 1/16/2012 have only stropped my Hamburg Ring (Joseph Rogers) and Otto Busch Weltmeister. No linen, just leather 60xs. I have no need to take either razor back to the Norton at this time. I have learned much, Glen, from this experiment. First, how to take better care as I use the Norton. Second, how to strop more carefully. Third, how to use these remarkable old tools as I shave. No cuts, no burn!!! Thank you for suggesting this experiment - it has been a lot of fun and a great challange to state my results and then to compare them with other guys on this journey.
    Last edited by BanjoTom; 01-25-2012 at 03:45 PM.

  5. #485
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    New video from Glen:

    I'm trying the lapping trick with the chosera tomorrow. Or maybe going higher just for the fun of it.
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  6. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Blix For This Useful Post:

    32t (01-25-2012), Daro (12-25-2016), Grizzley1 (01-26-2012), gssixgun (01-25-2012), Hex (01-27-2012), mjhammer (02-02-2012), Voidmonster (01-26-2012)

  7. #486
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    I recommend this thread be closed IMMEDIATELY! This is just getting WAY out of hand! An hour and five minutes of honing? Are you SERIOUS? Do you know what the collective she who must be obeyeds will do when they find out? (which they will). We'll be shut down forthwith!
    Slightly off-topic:
    I honed for 2 hours 10 minutes + stropping.
    Ok, there was a power outage of some 20 minutes during that time.
    What makes this off-topic is that I don't have nortons but Naniwas. It was my first hone, tried to go same steps Glenn used in his video. Though started with 40 circles on 3000, then 40 circles with 5000 and used my 5000 as he used his 4000, with the exception of approximately doubling everything and starting again from the 40 with 5000 as it didn't cut my hair well enough. Then went to 8000 following his steps + some 20 or so light ones at the end.
    What looks easy for experienced, is difficult for beginner.
    My razor is nowhere near HHT sharp. It doesn't even cut hair from arm on mid air. .
    But it does feel sharper than before, yet I got more skin irritation...

    This thread is absolute treasure for a newbie starting with couple of basic stones!

  8. #487
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blix View Post
    New video from Glen:
    Thanks Blix and Glenn.

    My favorite part after about a month of this came at 07:02

    I won't go into details and ruin it for those who have yet to watch.


  9. #488
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    A quick contribution. This wedgie blade with lots
    of hone wear arrived at my house yesterday. I spent
    about 20 min with some MAAS cleaning it. Then followed
    Lynn's video and honed it on a Norton 4k/8k about 20 min
    including soak time. Shaved two days of whiskers quite nicely.

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    Thanks Lynn.. my best Norton only shave to date.
    gssixgun and mjhammer like this.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

    Lynn (01-26-2012)

  11. #489
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    Day 26 of this fine experiment and I've learned as much about my preferences for razors as I have about how to hone them.

    My regular rotation includes 30 some-odd razors, so I hadn't ever really used any one of them enough to really get to know it.

    With JaNorton, I've learned that while I can definitely get a better shave with a modern(ish) full-hollow, I enjoy using the heavy wedge considerably more. At least with this Greaves, which gives me a really nice weight-to-size ratio. It might help some that the blade is slightly shorter (since it had that big ding out of the spike).

    So far I haven't touched up either the Greaves or the Clauss since I last talked about it, and I am still enjoying both of them. But it's the Greaves that I look forward to using despite the Clauss being a bit sharper.
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  12. #490
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    So I had my best results yet. I am not going to bore you with the details, mostly because I forgot them. But I really made a big effort to keep my finishing touches on the 8k as light as possible and almost dry, but not quite.

    This will sound like blasphemy, but a dialed in Norton 8k edge reminds me of a coticule edge.

    Used this razor:
    hoglahoo and Blix like this.

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