Quote Originally Posted by kamikazeproject View Post
Yeah, you're fine. How the hanging hair test actually works is this: a hair, if you magnify it, looks like a bunch of microscopic scales. Think about a fish, if you run a knife down the side of a fish, from head to tail, the scales will most likely deflect the knife all the way down the side of the fish; but if you run the knife from tail to head, you'll start taking scales off, because the blade gets caught on the edge of the scale and digs in.... same thing happens with a razor and a hair. Always do the test towards the follicle, and it'll work every time; go against it and it's complete luck of the draw.
i never thought of this, but your right. how accurate is the test then? if you can manage to get muscle memory, and know the angle to catch the "scales" then? I have one razor, that for some reason (i think i narrowed it down to the hardness of the steel) cant do atg. the thing passes the HHT with flying colors, but it is def. not my go to razor because it just doesnt seem to get as sharp as others.