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03-11-2012, 11:22 PM #1
Honing my first razors after tutelage from GSSixGun, or putting the video to work!
So I spent some quality time Sunday with my new Norton 4/8 set that Glen showed me how to use a few Tuesdays ago (during a fortunate break in our winter weather). I'm lucky that Spokane is only a 2-hour drive to Glen's retreat north of Sandpoint. Instead of letting me watch him hone a few razors I had, he one-upped me and offered to teach me to hone on the Norton 4/8.
What price did I pay you might ask?Check out the "Full honing arsenal (w/ pics)" thread over in Hones, midway down the 7th page, and you'll see the price I paid. Glen filmed me honing my first razor then posted the video for all of use to use. I was nervous as can be, but I trudged on as if it were a work assignment and learned how to hone razors from one of the masters.
Well, today I finally put some of that instruction to use. I honed 3 razors (1 not pictured): a Dubl Duk Dwark (w/ worn toe), my Friodur 7/8 INOX and my Lewis 8/8 custom Sheffield-style. After I honed my razors on the Norton 4/8, I finished them up w/ 10 laps on CroMox rough leather, 80 laps on wool felt and finally 80 laps on English bridle (all on the lovely SRD modular paddle strop).
The only mishap I had was kissing the side of my Lewis w/ the stone 3 times, leaving some cosmetic reminders that this work ain't easy. Of all razors to ding, it would have to be that one. Murphy's Law, right? Oh well. Small stuff.
Thanks for everything, Glen!
03-11-2012, 11:29 PM #2
Congrats........I saw the video you speak of and you, my friend are extremely lucky to get some one on one with Glen. No better way to get started learning that with some instruction from that fellow.
Having Fun Shaving
03-11-2012, 11:34 PM #3
Lucky indeed, coachmike. Trust me, I'm pinching myself often, and after Glen offered me a day of honing lessons, I really could NOT believe my ears. Seriously. This guy's generosity is huge! We had never met but for a brief conversation on the phone.
The least I could do was be a crash-test dummy for Glen's video.
03-11-2012, 11:36 PM #4
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Thanked: 194I have to say im very envious. I wish I had the chance to meet up with a fellow SRP member that really knew the ropes of honing. I would love to have a one on one to expand my knowledge...
03-11-2012, 11:43 PM #5
Can we get a link to the video you speak of? April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!
03-11-2012, 11:47 PM #6
Sorry, here you go
03-12-2012, 12:20 AM #7
“Edge Maintenance” is key to a great shave! It’s almost as fun as shaving for me now! To have had Glen teach you… wow, priceless.
A couple of scratches on your first go which can easily be taken out with a bit of sandpaper is no big deal. Was it fun?
03-12-2012, 01:08 AM #8
You bet your ass it was fun, both with and without Glen. Now, it's fighting off HAD that will be my next challenge.
03-12-2012, 01:53 AM #9
03-12-2012, 02:12 AM #10
Awesome little,tutorial!