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Thread: This razor is driving me crazy!!!

  1. #11
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Ok, I gave it another shot this morning. I started from scratch, with NO tape, on the 1k. I just ran my normal routine, and I didn't do any testing at all. I just did my 20 circles, 20 strokes, flip and repeat.

    I worked it up to the naniwa 12k, polished it 10 strokes on a crox balsa paddle, and stropped it. 100 felt, 100 leather.

    THEN I tried the arm hair test. Hair flew off, literally popped and launched 1/2" away.

    Now, I tried several sections of the blade, and found that the toe is not quite as good as the rest of the blade, but it still removes hair.

    I used a very light touch the entire time. At times I put a little extra torque towards the heel, but that was it. It pushed water nicely so I didn't bother with anything fancy, no TPT, no TNT, just waited until the progression was finished.

    It appears to have worked for me. As onimaru77 said, the spine wear was uneven toward the center, being more worn in the middle, which would seem likely since it had a frown when it started. So on my honing stroke, I used a rolling X, but a gentle rolling X with the emphasis on the heel. I'm not sure if I should mess with the toe again? or should I just shave test it and see what I have?

    I read the link you suggested and found my example. I was going to do the partial taping of the spine in the worn area, but then just thought, give it a try without any tape first. It seems to have done ok. At least to this point that is what I believe. Again, I"ll have to shave test it today and decide.

    Thanks again for all the help and suggestions. Learning is a challenge and a reward!!
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  2. #12
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Here are some pics of it, I tried my best to show the spine and bevel. Talk about a weird looking bevel. The thickest parts are from what the tape did. If you can see in the pic, there is a tiny bevel inside that big one. Which is not what I would have expected at all. I thought the opposite is what would have happened without the tape.

    I'm not sure with the wavy looking stuff, and the double (sometimes triple) bevel if I should be concerned and start over or what??

    At least it is cutting hair now. I'll shave test it, as I said, here in a few minutes and decide if the toe should need more work.

    Now that it shaves hair, I'm not sure I want to mess with it anymore. Should I just run the toe on the 12k more? I don't really want to have to take it back to the 1k, since I have had some measure of success finally.

    Any suggestions, comments, criticisms? I'm open to anything! LOL.


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  3. #13
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Sounds like the toe is not quite there maybe ? but see how it shaves first.
    Awesome it got sharper rather than duller this time

  4. #14
    ace is offline
    Senior Member blabbermouth ace's Avatar
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    You may have to take the toe farther back than 12K, but I'd experiment with 4K prior to going back further.

  5. #15
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    hmmm, test shave was not good. Very good in the center, but not good at the toe OR heel.

    I'll figure something out for this guy. I went ahead and popped it out of the scales and set her aside. More experience may yield the correct answer in the future. For now, I'm more concerned with fixing the bevel up right. It looks like crap, it's all wavy and uneven.

    I may have to take it to the DMT again and even the spine up to get a good result. That just may be the answer I've been looking for, but I have several other razors to work on first, so off she goes to the 'someday' pile!!

    Thanks for all the input guys!


  6. #16
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Rolling x stroke and one very, very important suggestion: Get rid of that Frankenstein bolt and pin that gorgeous razor right!

  7. #17
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    Rolling x stroke and one very, very important suggestion: Get rid of that Frankenstein bolt and pin that gorgeous razor right!
    Hehehe, I did that on purpose so I could yank it out easily without wasting any of my good pins Shooter!! LOL.. I've got razors that don't have a problem that are just begging to be put into those scales. No sense wasting too much time on one stubborn razor when I have so many more waiting their turn too!!

    Only thing missing would be a neat little set of jumper cables to attach up to that hanging bolt, eh? ROFL!!

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  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    OK so I'm working this beast now. 3 hrs to get a bevel. 'Took alot of effort for the toe. Since then, tried the 4k norton w/ slurry, then water. Same w/ the 8k. Heel & toe were sharp, lopping hairs but the middle was nowhere. Back to 4k, then coti, then another coti, then back to 4k. Sheesh. 'No surprise the honorable hammer had trouble w/ this one.
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  9. #19
    Member AndyPic's Avatar
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    Send it to Lynn.

  10. #20
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    OK so I'm working this beast now. 3 hrs to get a bevel. 'Took alot of effort for the toe. Since then, tried the 4k norton w/ slurry, then water. Same w/ the 8k. Heel & toe were sharp, lopping hairs but the middle was nowhere. Back to 4k, then coti, then another coti, then back to 4k. Sheesh. 'No surprise the honorable hammer had trouble w/ this one.
    Not that I take any joy in your pain, but I am mighty gratified that you aren't having an easy time of it either. At least that does make me feel just a tad bit better about it. Darn Sheffield wedges anyway!!! Heheh, good go at it Robert!!

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