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Thread: Kamisori panic

  1. #11
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    The bevel looks completly symetrical but its not sharp by my standards which im sure are not that high

  2. #12
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    In the end looks like i have to jump in to the water with my current set up as im not going to fork out the fortune in jap stones!!!!!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinkersd View Post
    1st of all, congradulations on you fine score!! There is a lot of lore about honing and shaving with a Nihon Kamisori, Just keep reading everything you can download and watch all the vid's above. Your best bet is to find some one who is experienced in this kind of honing and let them do the 1st hone of you new razor.
    Then you will know exactly what a decent edge should feel and shave like.

    That's my tupence, have a great shave one me!!!!

    Im not that new to cut throats, but this is my first purchase of this calidad, i have a good idea where it should be, (the edge) just have a doubt as to the ability of my stones( 12/16k max) and myself to take it there!!!!

  4. #14
    Member AndyPic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoddy View Post
    Ok just recieved a new iwasaki kamisori, its perfect but not shave ready. I dont want to destroy something so beautiful, before i even shave with it!!!!
    So my question is, how do i hone it in the least abrasive manner possible, but still effective. I have shapton pro 8 and 16k. Id send it to glen but i live in spain
    You can send to to Lynn. He is closer.
    “You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” -Winston Churchill

  5. #15
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    Just like thank every body for their 2cents, always welcome advice,,,, im going swimming !!!!

  6. #16
    Senior Member jackslimpson's Avatar
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    I have found this guide helpful, in addition to all of the guidance found in this forum.



  7. #17
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I am trying to think of Honer's in EU that do Kamisori honing but I just can't off the top of my head, Neil Miller, and maybe Jamie/Celtic Crusader would be the first two I would PM and ask...

    That is if you don't want to try it yourself, IMHO if the bevel is set then a Kamisori is easier to hone, if not then you better know what you are doing or prepare to waste some steel learning
    cudarunner likes this.

  8. #18
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I am trying to think of Honer's in EU that do Kamisori honing but I just can't off the top of my head, Neil Miller, and maybe Jamie/Celtic Crusader would be the first two I would PM and ask...

    That is if you don't want to try it yourself, IMHO if the bevel is set then a Kamisori is easier to hone, if not then you better know what you are doing or prepare to waste some steel learning
    Maksim is in Denmark and hones razors.
    Link to his honing service add on his site

  9. #19
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    Maksim is in Denmark and hones razors.
    Link to his honing service add on his site
    Hopefully he will pipe in and say if he does Kamisori style razors as I am not seeing that on the page..

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DFriedl View Post
    Yes, mine was new. I did two 7:1 sets on my barber hone and about six 7:1 sets on my Chinese natural finishing hone. These were just the hones that I have. You could probably do the same on the two hones you mentioned and be fine.

    These were with less pressure (which was only applied to the edge) for each set. I tried to follow Glen's procedure.
    How did it shave?

    Since this is 2012 I think the rules are changing.
    A new razor might be well honed by modern standards
    so any style razor may only need stropping or perhaps
    a touch up with a very light hand.

    It is possible that a new razor will need as much work
    at the above videos but today with modern hones and
    if available a well selected finisher a good razor should be
    ready to go with way less work than the videos show.

    I say this because after a shave test it is possible to
    go back to the hones.

    In my quick scan I did not see a comment about hardness.
    It is safe to assume that a Japanese razor has been delivered
    with steel that is much harder than European style razors.
    Hard and brittle like glass and inclined to chip but for the
    differences in geometry it would not work.

    Note that Glen commented that starting at 8K was a
    good idea and that he used a select Coticle which can be kinder
    at the same time as it cuts steel well.

    Without experience be gentle and conservative
    and things should work out. It just may take a
    dozen gentle attempts when a honemaster
    will take exactly the correct tool and have
    at it in an optimum way.

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