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Thread: Naniwa combination - opinions

  1. #1
    Senior Member miha's Avatar
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    Default Naniwa combination - opinions

    Hey there,

    since I am fairly new to straight razors I don't own any honing stones per-se. I have DMT diafold set (325, 600, 1200 and 8000) that I so far used for honing my razors as well.

    I was thinking of buying the Naniwa superstone combination that people on forums recommended (1, 5, 8 and 12k).

    the problem, besides the price (lowest US price for 1, 5, 8, 12k combo that I could find was app 230$, price here app 310+$), is that not all stones are in stock at local retailer and the waiting times are really (reaaally) long.

    Retailer recommended a following combo (that he has in stock):
    - 1000 super stone 2cm
    - 5000 chosera 2.5 cm + nagura
    - 12000 super stone 1 cm

    what are your opinions about this combo for razors honing (i was thinking that if I'll miss 8k grit I can still buy it later)

    what is the difference between prepping/cleaning/honing on superstone vs chosera stone?


    edit: added "12000" that fell out of original post
    Last edited by miha; 05-07-2013 at 09:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Tell us a little about yourself, your razor, and your honing and shaving experience and someone can recommend a stone for you.

    Until then I would recommend you go on some shaving sites, shop around a bit and get a naniwa 3/8 combo stone.

    “there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to nonlethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.”---Fleming

  3. #3
    Senior Member miha's Avatar
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    Hey Michael:

    I have two restored razors (zwillingswerk and engelswerk, both solingen 5/8; both restored), am currently waiting for Dovo Flowing to be delivered.

    I would like to buy a set that would satisfy my needs in the future as well and am prepared to pay the difference.

    Honing experiences: I honed with DMT diafold setups (usually with angle guide), So no to limited would be the short answer ... but I want to learn the honing techniques and would like to avoid the need for stones upgrading in a year or so

  4. #4
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miha View Post
    Hey Michael:

    I have two restored razors (zwillingswerk and engelswerk, both solingen 5/8; both restored), am currently waiting for Dovo Flowing to be delivered.

    I would like to buy a set that would satisfy my needs in the future as well and am prepared to pay the difference.

    Honing experiences: I honed with DMT diafold setups (usually with angle guide), So no to limited would be the short answer ... but I want to learn the honing techniques and would like to avoid the need for stones upgrading in a year or so
    So you have three razors. The restored ones were honed by a pro? Where did you order the flowing?

    Best case scenario is that all the razors are pro honed and shave ready. In that case a plain leather strop and a rotation of three razors should keep you going for several weeks. At that point a very fine hone like 8k or 12k will get you back to shave ready. A pasted strop will also work. That routine can keep you going for a very long time.

    If the razors are not shave ready and need some work then you can send em out and use the above routine after, or hone them yourself. Honing by yourself is a skill that takes a lot of practice to develop. Don't expect instant results. You will be best served by starting with a naniwa 3/8 or norton 4/8. I like the naniwa but either stone will last many years and can hone any razor start to finish. You can add a rougher 1k and a finer 12k but the 3/8 will be your core stone.

    I would avoid using the diafold for razors. I would also pass on the deal your local shop is offering. The dmt is for knives. The shop offer is IMO not what you need.

    ScottGoodman likes this.
    “there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to nonlethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.”---Fleming

  5. #5
    Senior Member miha's Avatar
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    @Michael: am not sure I was clear enough,...

    - I used DMT diafold since i had them already and am going to buy sth new
    - the offer I got from the naniwa retailer was: 1k super stone 2cm, 5k chosera 2.5 cm + nagura and 12k super stone 1 cm

    the option I was going for was 1, 5, 8, and 12k (which was as I understood optimal) if it was available

    the razors (at the moment have 2, 3rd (Flowing) on the way): well that is not a best case scenario as you put it i guess ... i restored those 2 razors by myself and have been using them for about a month (well 1 actually, the honing of the second was apparently not as good and am waiting to get the stones and try to hone with those (felt like a better idea to wait for the new ones since I was buying them anyways), the Flowing will be/is comming from invisible edge ( and should be professionally honed, shave ready.

    So if I understand correctly you recommend 1k (that I was going to use for setting bevels on old razors), 3, 8 (or 3/8) and 12k stones ? Is this much different than the option offered: 1k, 5 and 12 in that case I will wait for the 8k superstone to get back in stock, or should I get the 3 instead of 5k? for best combo (besides mastering the technique that is )?


    edit: i use a strop (without the paste) that I had it made by a "leatherman" I had good experiences before (from thick hard leather)..
    Last edited by miha; 05-07-2013 at 09:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    If you want naniwas, I like the 1k chosera, 5k and 8k superstone, and then a natural finisher. Or you could finish on the 12k. However I'd only recommend the chosera 1k over the SS if you plan on doing a lot of bevel setting. Otherwise I'm not so sure it's worth the money compared to the SS, unless you have the funds - then go for it.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member miha's Avatar
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    what I was actually offered was 5k chosera not 1k

    - 1000 super stone 2cm
    - 5000 chosera 2.5 cm + nagura
    - 12000 super stone 1 cm

    so the questions i have at the moment are:
    - are 5 chosera and 12k SS enough or should I get an 8k as well (I know the more steps the better but in my situation this is what he has and 8k is not in stock),
    - should I get 3k instead of 5k so end up with 3/12k (which would really be too much of a step jump I guess, so 3/8/12, where I get 8k from somewhere else)?
    - is 5000 chorsera reasonable choice or would 5000 SS do more or less the same job?

  8. #8
    Senior Member kratos86's Avatar
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    i have the same set(800-5000-12000...after linen strop and leather strop) but only super stone,and they work very well...isn't problem of jump(sometime i prefer a 5000 a bit lower as grit)
    I know that chosera work fast then superstone....but this difference isn't so high as grit so if this difference is bit(ex. 5000 work like ipotetic 4000/4500) for me the set is good(from the experience of my set)

    p.s. for me naniwa 12000 is a greeat finish stone...someone says that the difference between 8000 and 12000 is small...for me isn't so small....finish on naniwa 12000 is very good.
    if the 5000 is like the 3000, it is customary for the Naniwa after 3000 use the 8000 .... but you can use the 12 with a higher number of passes (it does not hurt the razor) and have a result better then 8000
    But expecting someone more prepared on stones

    p.s.s. excuse for my bad english...i hope that i think is clear.
    Last edited by kratos86; 05-08-2013 at 12:15 AM.
    "Consider well the seed that gave your birth: you were not made to lives as brutes,but to following virtue and knoweledge"
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  10. #9
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    It sounds like a nice set. Enjoy

    “there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to nonlethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.”---Fleming

  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miha View Post
    Hey there,

    since I am fairly new to straight razors I don't own any honing stones per-se. I have DMT diafold set (325, 600, 1200 and 8000) that I so far used for honing my razors as well.
    If you have a 8000 DMT it is likely that all you need is the Naniwa superstone 12K hone.
    It is possible that the 8K diamond edge would be improved by an 8K superstone. A lot depends
    on your hand on the hone.

    If I recall correctly Chosera hones are made by Naniwa just compounded differently.
    My chosera has denser grit than the Naniwa and gives a slightly finer finish than the Naniwa
    at the same grit. i.e. my chosera 10k and Naniwa 12 k are very close to each other and
    depending only on me some days one is better other days the other is. I think the Naniwa
    is a better value for us shavers. If you made a living honing razors the denser chosera would
    be a better value.

    I do recommend sticking with the same family of hones for beginners with the exception
    that a Norton 4k/8k combo can be followed nicely by the Naniwa 12k (works well for me).

    Look hard at the Naniwa 12k. The Naniwa 3k/8k combo would be a good compliment after the 12k
    given that you have the set of DMT hones you do.

    Commonly I recommend a 320 grit DMT to lap hones flat then one of
    Norton 4K/8K combo or the Naniwa 3k/8K combo (these two are near equals)
    Add one finisher if you like... the Naniwa 12K is a good one.

    I see other great posts above...

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

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