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Thread: Newbie from Brisbane, Australie

  1. #11
    Senior Member kevinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewJM View Post
    Hi Kev, me again, was wondering what your thoughts may be re this razor for sale: (from this site)

    7/8" Custom Koraat in Desert Ironwood scales - Straight Razor Place Classifieds

    I have to be honest Andrew Im no expert on vintage razors and I don't know the member offering the razor, Maybe someone will be able to help with this….

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  3. #12
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    G'Day AndrewJM and welcome to SRP.
    I have a few razors of various sizes and grinds that you are welcome to try out to see which suits you, if you like.
    I'm sure we can work something out 'cause I don't know much about websites.
    eddy79 and kevinred like this.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

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  5. #13
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    G'day Andrew, with regard to the link of the razor you're looking at, my suggestion would be looking for something a little more beginner friendly. That one is nice, but has the potential to bite if you're not on your game. There are also cheaper that would be equal to the task. if you were looking at spending that much money, I would seriously recommend that you look into getting two razors. Perhaps a 5/8 and a 6/8 from Dovo (although I would personally go for a paired 6/8 set as I like that as a minimum size, but that's my taste, not yours). Two razors, pro honed (onimaru55 in Sydney, or if you ask nicely, one of the local blokes, Geoff [Havachat45] or James [Jimbo], might do a bit of honing for you) will be a far better decision than one really expensive one.
    I don't have a large collection myself, and indeed, I never intended to have more than one myself. I found two to be more practical. Then over the years I ended up with a few more in trades or really great prices not to be passed up. These days I find myself alternating between two regularly and dig out one of the others occasionally, just so that it feels loved.
    I would take Geoff (Havachat45) up on his offer to help. It will make for a far smoother transition and help in purchase decision making. And of course, if I can help in anyway, just let me know. That's what I'm here for.

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  7. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome from western Australia.
    Please take up geoffs offer, having a chance to trial a few different types and sizes will really help to inform your decision, especially if you do spend $400 or so on a the end.
    Mick is also right in saying that having a second razor is worthwhile even if it only flyers used in emergencies. Your second razor could be a rough looking cheapie as long as the blade takes and.holds a nice edge.
    I initially thought one was going to do it, then I thought three would be a good number, but now I have 3 I am realising that two is plenty.
    Don't forget to allow for a strop, soap and.brush, if you don't have all of these items already.
    MickR likes this.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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  9. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome from the other Perth Ed(got me again). Take Geoff up on the offer. The blade will be shave ready and you can then make a truly informed decision. I own 18 or so razors between 4/8 and 7/8 in round and square point and can shave with all of them but have found 5/8 to be my sweet spot but wouldn't know this without all of the blades to trial. You probably only need two razors but I like a choice. Good luck and any question just ask. Ed
    MickR and edhewitt like this.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

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  11. #16
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Thank you for your kind offer, I may in fact take you up on that when I have some time available.

  12. #17
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    That kit would do nicely.

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  14. #18
    Senior Member johnmrson's Avatar
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    G'day and welcome to the forum. Nothing wrong with buying a "starter" razor. Once you've decided that straight shaving is something you want to keep doing, you should be able to sell the starter razor for what you paid for it, or close to it.

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  16. #19
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    thanks James

  17. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Have you looked at the classifieds, there are some quite nice looking larger razors there too. I am not passing comment on how good or bad any of them are, as I don't know, just more options. Maybe someone with more experience will dive in.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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