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Thread: New guy from N. TX

  1. #1
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    Default New guy from N. TX

    Good morning. I have been wet shaving for 3-4 years, and although I said I would never use a straight, here I am!

    I picked up a couple shave readies, but they didn't really work for me, so off to Larry for a fresh honing. I am glad he's close.

    Anxiously awaiting to restart to this phase and see how I enjoy it.

    One of the hardest things I found during those 4-5 shaves was stretching the skin, especially with reading glasses so I could also see. I think learning to use my left hand may be a challenge as well.

    I hope to learn a lot here, especially stropping properly, and hope I don't get too bad of a SRAD.

  2. #2
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!
    One way to start training your left hand is to lather up with it.
    Or just shave with your right hand and slowly add in the left hand as you get better and feel more comfortable.

    I can't speak for the glasses thing, I can still shave without mine on, but there are lots of guys here who fight that battle and I'm sure they will respond. Or you can use the "Advanced Search" button in the upper right hand corner to search for previous posts on shaving with glasses.

    Make sure you check out the wealth of information in the Library.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    I was nervous about my left hand in the beginning, now I actually do BETTER with it. My right always wants to apply too much pressure.
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  5. #4
    MJC is offline
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    Welcome to SRP fellow North Texan....

    I switched to one of those wall mounted mirrors that magnifies. I sometimes have to close one eye but I don't have to wear my glasses.
    The non-dominant hand thing comes quickly with practice.
    Stretching is very important - but also gets easier very quickly (you will find your Cart and DE shaves will also improve with your new skills)

    Smooth Shaving...
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    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Being basically ambidextrous I had little problem using my left hand to shave with. My problem is eyesight and glasses and bi-focal's. Solved the glasses/bi-focal's by getting another pair of computer glasses (reading prescription only) and no longer have to find odder than usual angles for my head to twist to so I could shave. The next problem was just seeing the area on the left I wanted to shave and my dominant right eye not doing the job well. Well, it seems over the last 12 months I have been subconsciously adjusting the strength and dominance of my left eye as I shave that side. Only really noticed it this morning when I suddenly realized I was seeing my left side with the same clarity and ease as I see my face's right side. I just love revelation aha! moments, makes all the work suddenly worthwhile.
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    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP! You have a good game plan. Holler if have any questions. Good luck!

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    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. As you have found out shave ready is best left to the pros at the start. To many sell blades claiming shave ready that aren't. Good luck with your second attempt.
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    Senior Member Walterbowens's Avatar
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    Hello Bowhunter, and welcome to SRP!! As far as your stretching your face is all part of the learning curve, as well as every thing else with using a straight. Take your time it will all come around, and ENJOY the journey!!
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  12. #9
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    Thanks, all. My freshly honed razors are on the way back to me. I may have them as early as today for tonight's shave!

  13. #10
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    Welcome. Straight razor shaving as you have found is a whole other type of gymnastics as you have found out, all it takes is patients and practice. Find a mentor in your area that you get together with as that will shorten the learning curve considerably. The glasses thing is just one of those work arounds that must be met. I usually take my glasses off for everything above the cheek and then put them on as I progress down my face where they don't interfere.
    SRP. Where the Wits aren't always as sharp as the Razors

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