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Thread: back straight, never to stray again

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    A little more relevant info. When I stopped STR8 those 25 years ago, the reason was more than lack of mentoring; my son in a diaper had climbed up on the sink, somehow reached the razor that was a good 5 feet up on a high shelf, and was found holding it to his throat imitating his pop. This past Christmas, the same boy now grown into a man wanted to SLAM, so I got out the old Duck and 44/20 that had been put away since that scary day. Things came full circle i guess. I learn from my mistakes so I'm very learned-my razors will be totally out of site and reach of the grandkids.

  2. #12
    Senior Member ChopperDave's Avatar
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    Wow! That is scary.... Welcome back though, and that'll be a good lesson to pass on to your son.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KenG View Post
    A little more relevant info. When I stopped STR8 those 25 years ago, the reason was more than lack of mentoring; my son in a diaper had climbed up on the sink, somehow reached the razor that was a good 5 feet up on a high shelf, and was found holding it to his throat imitating his pop. This past Christmas, the same boy now grown into a man wanted to SLAM, so I got out the old Duck and 44/20 that had been put away since that scary day. Things came full circle i guess. I learn from my mistakes so I'm very learned-my razors will be totally out of site and reach of the grandkids.
    You are very fortunate it didn't get ay worse!!!! I hope you pass that one down to him.

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