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Thread: Hello from Sheffield UK

  1. #11
    Senior Member Hacker7's Avatar
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    You can't buy family heirlooms. Give your dad some money and keep them. OTOH its easy for me to say that because they are not mine. If you need money sell some, just remember money comes and money goes. Good luck.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Sheffield, UK
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacker7 View Post
    You can't buy family heirlooms. Give your dad some money and keep them. OTOH its easy for me to say that because they are not mine. If you need money sell some, just remember money comes and money goes. Good luck.
    Dad doesn't want the money. I just know that I need to thin this collection out to appreciate them. There's a lot of what celticcrusader would call "run of the mill" items, so I know that if I keep them they will disappear into a box never to be seen. If I cull 90% and keep a handful of really nice ones I can display them.

    I've also got more strops than necessary, but there's one really nice one with a chunk of ivory on the end so that's the one I can keep to display.

    Having lurked around here for a few days, I've caught the bug. What I think I will do is use the money raised on the "run of the mill" stuff to invest in a couple of really nice Sheffield razors. I'm directly related to Jason Brammer, so my search can begin ...

  3. #13
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Hey man, it's your stuff, you can do whatever you want with them
    good luck
    Steel likes this.

  4. #14
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum quisquose. I'd use some of the stuff and see what suits you and what doesn't. You might really like and get a great shave from a razor you'd planned to sell. Anyway, hope it all works out for you.

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