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  1. #1
    Member aznaod7's Avatar
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    Default Interested in Straight Razors

    I live in NY, and I've looked into straight shaving a couple of times, the price commitment has made me rethink it, but now I'm really considering it again.

    I did have a few questions after reading around on the site.

    Wanted some advice on getting started. I read around the newb starter guides and all. I was thinking about getting this :
    Vintage Blades LLC::Straight Razor Sets::Complete Straight Razor Sets - Dovo Carbon Steel::Dovo "Black Best Quality" Straight Razor Set

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    zib is offline
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    Good choice. Jim and Erin over at Vintage are good people and will do you right.
    My first razor was a Dovo as a matter of fact, 5/8. It's a good choice for a first razor.
    Just start slow, read our WIKI, Make sure you prep before you shave, stretch you skin, and pay attention to the angle of the blade. It may take you some time to get used to it, Some guys pick it up faster than others, but make no mistake, this is an art form.
    It'll take some practice. Don't get discouraged. If we can be of help with anything specific, just ask...Welcome to SRP...

    P.S Where in NY?

    We have assumed control !

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  4. #3
    Member aznaod7's Avatar
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    What is the wiki page that you are referring to ?

    Is it just the "straight razor" search on wiki?
    I'm sure to start slow, prob going to order it in the next week. Im just tierd of shaving alotta hair with those regular razors, they keep getting stuck in between the blades lol.

    *im originally form brooklyn but i moved north of albany for work recently.

  5. #4
    FTG is offline
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    The Wiki is one of the buttons at the top of this page - 4th from left...

    or you can just click here:Straight Razor Place Wiki

    This is a good starting point - and worth exploring. If you're still stuck just post a question.

    (Edit: Oh - and the FAQ button - also at top of the page)

    Enjoy the journey!

    All the best,
    Last edited by FTG; 04-09-2010 at 03:40 AM.

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  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by aznaod7 View Post
    What is the wiki page that you are referring to ?
    The Wiki is a bit of a misnomer. We use Mediawiki (ie the software that powers Wikipedia) to aggregate bits of knowledge gleaned from the forum. You should start with the beginners guide. The rest of the Wiki is laid out in a way that allows you to go from prep to shave to maintenance to restoration.


  8. #6
    Member aznaod7's Avatar
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    Default Proving the gf wrong

    Is there anything that makes straight razor more cost effective than regular shaving? my girlfriend is giving me a hard time about spending about 200 bucks on a straight razor set lol. im trying to prove her wrong that it would be worth it in the long run.

  9. #7
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    It never hurts to read the FAQ: Will shaving with a straight razor save me money?. I would argue that this calculation can be optimised by replacing the professional honing service with a cheap blade maintenance tool (barber's hone, balsa strop). But realistically, I have never spent more money on shaving than in the last four years. That said, I have never achieved results even remotely resembling those I get from straight razors, and the luxury is unsurpassed. Shaving for me has turned from a chore to a zen exercise, and lots and lots of fun.


  10. #8
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    yeah, it doesn't seem like its going to be cheaper just more enjoyable I guess. Im really close to getting one. Just a few last questions answered and I think I;m going to hit that "order" button for my first razor.

    Is it possible to use the same straight razor blade everyday for shaving? Or does it take wayyy too long each morning? So i guess my question is of...

    1. durability of the blade and ability to use it day after day and
    2. length of time it takes to complete a shave using a straight razor.

    Ive seen in some threads that it woudl be good to have more than one blade, but I dont really have the funds at this point to be getting more than one blade.
    I know for a fact that at first it is going to take me much longer to get a good shave but after I get decently good at it, how long will it take if I do it in the morning before work?

  11. #9
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    I'm a person who spends a lot on hobbies, while the other side of me is trying to be practical. With straight shaving, it seems to be both. You can enjoy it as both as a hobby and a necessity. One way or another I need to shave. Either spending money on disposables blades/cartridges or spending money on electric razor replacements. I also enjoy knives, the techniques of a sharp edge, the techniques of the shave, the skill, the art of the shave, and the ritual.

    I've probably spent more on electrics and disposables. And I think straight razors are more of an investment that do not devalue (just look at the vintages or classified).

    For me to win the argument with my girl, I just ask her to add up all she spends on makeup, skincare, hair products, brushes, handbags, purses, accessories, perfumes, salon visits, magazines, etc. With all that added up, this is cheaper in the long run.


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  13. #10
    Member Prussian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aznaod7 View Post
    yeah, it doesn't seem like its going to be cheaper just more enjoyable I guess. Im really close to getting one. Just a few last questions answered and I think I;m going to hit that "order" button for my first razor.

    Is it possible to use the same straight razor blade everyday for shaving? Or does it take wayyy too long each morning? So i guess my question is of...

    1. durability of the blade and ability to use it day after day and
    2. length of time it takes to complete a shave using a straight razor.

    Ive seen in some threads that it woudl be good to have more than one blade, but I dont really have the funds at this point to be getting more than one blade.
    I know for a fact that at first it is going to take me much longer to get a good shave but after I get decently good at it, how long will it take if I do it in the morning before work?
    I shave with the same blade every day.
    I have more than one straight razor, but I have a favorite, and it recieves prime attention. My first straight was a Dovo, as well. My current favorite shaver is my Dovo Bismarck. You can use the same blade every day, so long as you make sure to strop it properly before (not after) every shave. Hone it when you see small, visible chips missing from the very edge of the blade evrey few months or so (depending on how nice you are to your razors and how often you shave with them).

    When I first started shaving, it took me 35-40 minutes to shave my face twice. I shave twice every morning now in about 10-15 minutes when I'm feeling a bit cramped for time, and have been without a nick for months. You'll be fine with one key item that is priceless: experience. It's really not as intimidating as it sounds.

    The amazing thing is, straight razor shaving can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you would like to make it. The thing is, once you start buying all of the different scented soaps, scented aftershaves, various strops, diffrerent is hard to stop! Feel free to ask me if you have some more questions. i'm not expert at all, but have been shaving with them for about 6 months, and couldn't be happier.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Prussian For This Useful Post:

    aznaod7 (04-10-2010)

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