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  1. #1
    monodextrous newbie from uk
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    Default new to site, and to straight razors

    Hey there! I just thought I'd say hi. I'm a uk based newbie to the whole straight razor thing. Like many, i was drawn to it by the tradition; I'm a big fan of it!
    Just had my first straight shave. The razor is a timor, which i know aren't the best but i couldn't justify the initial outlay on a dovo or similar. I've suffered a bit of minor irritation and a little nick to my chin but other than that I'd deem it a relative success! I'm hoping the irritation will clear up with technique and when I use my proper soap, I'm down to emergency rations of palmolive here!!!

    So, anyway, "hi!" and if anyone's got a really good razor they fancy giving away for nothing...



  2. #2
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    Welcome Iain!

    I hope that irritation dies down relatively quickly for you. We all remember what it was like to start with a straight and want to shave every hour...but there's no hair!

    If you check the SRP classifieds, you'll find razors in there for "almost nothing"...and shave ready too!

    good luck.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Bravo Lain - for choosing quality.

    There's a period of adjustment for the skin itself when being abraided by a new/different method. That would be true if you switched from a cartridge to electric to DE as well. Razor burn is almost always from the use of pressure on the edge while shaving. Go easy on the pressure, and on how many times/strokes you do on a single area.

    If there's something wrong w/ a Timor - I haven't heard about it. Most likely its just not the blade du jour in popularity. Doesn't mean it can't be a great shaver.

    'Hope to hear of happy neck skin soon. Keep going. It gets better.

  4. #4
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. +1 for checking the classifieds here for another razor. If you have not done so already, be sure to sign up for the February give-away in the beginners section. Both first and second prize have a shave ready razor as a prize.
    Why doesn't the taco truck drive around the neighborhood selling tacos & margaritas???

  5. #5
    monodextrous newbie from uk
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    Cheers for pointing out the give-away! I didn't know it was there. I'll be sure to take it easy with the pressure of the blade next time. I did notice that I was doing lots of short strokes-cartridge razor style- so i'll knock that on the head too. i think next on the list might be a block of alum. I have a pencil one and it's great!


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