I remember when I was learning to hone; I thought I needed a microscope to know what I was doing. I had no reliable tests to tell where I was at in the honing process, and I believed the microscope would open the door to honing nirvana. It didn't. I remember being totally baffled, confused, and disappointed by what I saw. I had no frame of reference at that time. My bevels looked good to me. I could not understand why I couldn't get my razors to shave. I wish I ...
Updated 07-13-2011 at 05:08 AM by HNSB
I have this little marker next to my name here that says "Vendor." That means I regularly sell things related to shaving, to people who read this (and many other) forum(s). Mostly strops, but also razors. Now, it may be hard to believe (especially for those buying the products) but I don't really do it for money. I have a good-paying job, and so does my wife--between us, we're comfortable enough. The profit is for Kanayama, anyway; it's their sole source of income, these ...
Updated 08-07-2011 at 11:38 AM by JimR
Originally Posted by manah F. Koeller & Companie registered 23rd April 1906, Solingen-Ohligs. The Köller or Koeller family was long-established in the Solingen area and traced their ancestry back to the sword smith Johann Köller (1440-c.1518). F. Koeller & Cie was founded in 1855 by Franz Koeller and was listed in the commercial regissters as the manufacturer of 'cutlery, desk-sets and pens'; the company was also responsible for wholesaling ...
Coticules, The legendary sharpening stone from Belgium. This is another topic we see frequently on the forum. Back when I joined SRP, they were all the rage. Having one was almost a requirement. Just joking... Coticules come in all shapes and sizes, 8x3,(200x75) 6x2 (150x50) are probably the most popular. In addition to the array of rectangular stones, The quarry produces "Bouts" (pronounced "Boo's") or irregular shaped stones, like trapzoids and the like. ...
A couple of weeks ago I posted an article about the power of words. The topic got started because of a remark about profanity, but was not about profanity itself. However, in the comments session we got into a discussion about profanity. Due to the fact it was a discussion, I didn’t have the opportunity to properly formulate the response the topic deserved. Today I started writing a response, but after 2 pages I decided it would be an article in its own right. So, about profanity ...