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F. Koeller & Co., Solingen-Ohligs.

Rating: 3 votes, 5.00 average.
by , 08-30-2012 at 07:09 PM (43645 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by manah View Post
F. Koeller & Companie registered 23rd April 1906, Solingen-Ohligs.

The Köller or Koeller family was long-established in the Solingen area and traced their ancestry back to the sword smith Johann Köller (1440-c.1518). F. Koeller & Cie was founded in 1855 by Franz Koeller and was listed in the commercial regissters as the manufacturer of 'cutlery, desk-sets and pens'; the company was also responsible for wholesaling the wares of some of the smaller Solingen firms.

Trademarks: 'Best Marke', 'Diamond', 'Elefant', 'Elefantenkopf', 'Elephant', 'Kismet', 'Khandia', 'Magna', 'Manda', 'Nadir', 'Okay', 'Schaukelpferd', 'Seeadler', 'Stasharp', 'Summore', 'Velvet'.

commiecat likes this.


  1. commiecat's Avatar
    Thanks, manah. I have two Köller razors and they're lovely shavers. Regarding the "Velvet" trademark, one of mine is marked "Velvo" on both scales and tang -- I have a bad pic from a few years ago and can get you a better one when I get around to taking down my display case: