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Trademarks and makers - "Hoppe".

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by , 01-13-2012 at 03:17 AM (2769 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by manah View Post
It's not only brand.
Curt Hoppe - maker,
Carl Hoppe der Jungere - maker,
Eugen Hoppe - maker,
Julius Hoppe - maker,
Samuel Hoppe - maker,
Wilhelm Hoppe - maker, stamp "Guillermo Hoppe",
(Samuel and Wilhelm are from one family).
Hoppe & Cо, the owners were Ernst и Richard Hoppe, later and Auguste Hoppe.
Well-known company Giesen&Forsthoff "Timor", has trademark "German Hoppe".
These makers, that I know only. Probably, there are some more.
As you see, not so simply with all these Hoppes.
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