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JaNorton Honing Event

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by , 01-09-2012 at 12:47 AM (1142 Views)
Hi all,

The JaNorton thread is getting pretty long, which is amazing. For those who are curious about the honing that's been going on, I've decided to root through the thread and find my posts in which I talk about the honing progressions I've used, and the stropping.


QUOTE=Maxi;898189]Alrighty then....I'm up and running.

The two warriors:

1) Wade and Butcher, 7/8, full hollow.
2) Dovo Best, 5/8, full hollow.

I chose to use my Dovo, because many people begin their shaving journey with one of these razors. In fact, I just honed one last night for a new forum gentleman.

Both razors were taped. Both razors had circles done straight down and back on the hone, and both heels were canted forward about 30 degrees for the X strokes.

Wade and Butcher:

4k) No slurry. 20 circles, medium pressure. Repeat. Followed with 10 X's, medium pressure. Then, 20 circles NO pressure. Repeat. Followed with 10 X's no pressure. Rinsed stone and razor. Finished the 4k with 10 X's, smooth, even strokes.

8k) 10 X's. No pressure, smooth and even strokes.

Dovo Best Quality:

4k) Medium slurry with DMT 325. 20 circles, NO pressure. Repeat. Followed with 10 X's, no pressure. Rinse stone and razor. Then 20 circles, no pressure. Repeat. Followed by 10 X's no pressure. Rinsed stone and razor. Finished with 10 X's, smooth, even strokes.

8k) 10 X's, no pressure. Rinsed stone and razor. New water on stone. Remove water with finger. Damp stone: 10 X's, ultra light, very slow stroke (3-4 seconds down, 3-4 seconds back).

Stropping: Both razors were stropped on an SRD Premium III, 50/100 - webbing/leather.

Shave test comes this afternoon.

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Name:  JaNorton 1.jpg
Views: 128
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Updated 01-09-2012 at 12:52 AM by Maxi

