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Today's JaNorton Shave

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by , 01-09-2012 at 01:03 AM (1703 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by Maxi View Post
JaNORTuary 7th, 2012.

Razor: W&B 7/8 full hollow

Back from the cottage, had a pile of razor stuff sitting at the door. I'll hone them tomorrow....I honed mine tonite.

I took the W&B back to the stones. I did a 1,3,5,3,1,1 pryramid on the 4/8 combo using 5 8k strokes after every number on the 4k side. Then I cleaned the stones, and did water only on the 8k side. Experiment time; 8 forward strokes, 5 back honing strokes, 2 forward strokes (similar to Glen's 321 on the Shapton 30).

Stropped on SRD Premium III, 40/80.

Shave: Interestingly, the end result is fantastic. As I'm typing here, five minutes later, there is no irritation or stinging. However during the shave the razor just felt "sharp". It lacked the smoothness that the Dovo currently has, or that one gets from the natural finishers. It was sharp though. It plowed through everything, and if I was to say it was uncomfortable it would be because it lacked the smoothness, not because it pulled or tugged as it did last week.

Back to the hones tomorrow...just to the 8k. Some no pressure damp-stone strokes. We'll see where that goes.

Beer O'Clock. Ciao!
