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Thread: Scuttle and Bowl Preferences??

  1. #11
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petercp4e View Post
    Used the Suribachi bowl for the first time this morning.
    t 6" it is a little big, but easily handled handled.

    I have to say that this bowl works better than anything that I have ever used.

    Pete <:-}
    That’s high praise! I’m going to try one! I saw one that’s 4” round. Big enough you figure “

  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've had quite a few over the years and I have to admit the German Schwartz is the best there is (IMHO). The Moss Scuttle is very nice too. You have to look at a few features which if missing will yield a scuttle you will be unhappy with. It has to be big enough to allow you to maneuver your brush which of course can vary in size and it has to have some patterning in the bottom to facilitate lather production and above all it has to hold enough water to keep the brush warm during the shave. How much water? I've found around 20oz does the job. Much less than that and you have cold lather. It also has to be heavy enough to hold the heat in. A heavy thick outer bowl and a thinner inner usually works best.
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  4. #13
    JP5 is offline
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    Thanks for the input so far. That Japanese bowl was an unknown option until now. Those SWK scuttles look great.
    Does the brush handle tend to knock the edges?
    They look pretty big. That might be something to look into after we move into a little bigger place. Bathroom counter has makeup and related paraphernalia set up like dominoes around the sink!
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  6. #14
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I got the smaller of the ones he sells, and I'd say its just big enough. Not too small and not huge. and the depth is just right too as I don't bang the handle on it at all. They are a bit spendy.
    Dominoes, My first wife was like that too. Until a few favorite items ended up in the toilet.
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  7. #15
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Josh, I have the large SW. And as Jerry said, no I don't bang the brush on the sides. That is a pet peave of mine, I just don't like the sound of it I guess.

    The one thing I can say, and agree with bigspender and Jerry on, is it is the best one there is.
    I will say it's worth the money and you won't be disappointed in the least.

    Thanks for posting the link Bob
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  8. #16
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Well I need a bowl and will probably settle on some repurposed bowl found at yardsale or goodwill..
    BUT when I have the extra cash there seem to be two clear choices I see here..
    The Suribachi and the German Schwartz.
    Price and availability will probably compel me.
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  9. #17
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Boy, I'd really like one of those SWK scuttles.

    The problem that I have is we just have a pedestal sink and no counter space.

    Knowing me, something that big would quickly turn into an airborne hockey puck. They are too beautiful and expensive to take the risk.

    The Suribachi bowl is just the right size and the prices on eBay are all under $30.00, which I found very compelling. Of course I had to have the most expensive one because it's blue and matches the bathroom.

    The bowl did another outstanding job today. It's a keeper!

    Pete <:-}
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  10. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    ok let me say ive tried a few, great ones to ok ones,, but my favorite bowl if I do bowl lather which is rare, now is a cheap Wal Mart salsa bowl,, there plastic and are rough inside and out. so it whips up lather inside and is easy to hold onto outside. 2.97$ comes in 4 colors for the bathroom décor!

    forgot if you find them at the Goodwill store or Salvation Army stores they usually run around .25$ so from my 85$ scuttle to a .25$ bowl , that out lathers them all just saying Tc
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  11. #19
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I was with the wife in Walmart today and seen those bowls. Was thinking about getting one for travel but didn't. Well, they will be around so maybe next trip.
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  12. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If anyone is interested in a SWK scuttle I'd get one now as it has been reported in another forum that the maker will be going on a 2 year hiatus from making them. At least check out the availability.

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