First of all I'd like to say sorry.

I didn't write this post to offend or make it seem like I was judging you all.

I'm the last person who should talk about addiction and the likes because like most of you when I find something I like I dive right in.

Now I only wrote this post because I've been seeing alot of post lately of people saying they bought six or seven razors and I hope my wife doesn't find out or something along those lines. Which in turn made me think of some posts I've seen on here and other sites about the swmbo getting annoyed and just leaving. Leaving the person to sell off their collection to fend for themselves.

Now like I said I don't want to offend or upset anyone and I'm sorry that I did. I just thought it would share my thoughts on what I see. Like I said what I see might not be what you see. And in the end we are all gentlemen here and in the end we can agree to disagree.