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Thread: Roberts clay of feat or dirty bird scuttle

  1. #11
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    I also have the GP G20 in hamada and love it! It stays hot for way longer than necessary.

  2. #12
    zib is offline
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    It's nice to see Georgetown Pottery made a scuttle that holds enough water for it to stay hot long enough to shave. I have an older model that did not stay hot. I tested them with a digital thermometer used in AC testing. The vendor did offer to take it back which was nice. I have, or have tried pretty much every popular one out there.

    They will all do the trick for mixing lather, Staying hot is the key. I FWIW did not like Robert's feets of clay scuttle. When you compare it to every other scuttle out there, it's so paper thin and flimsy, it can be broken very easily. Mine feels like one of those china coffee cups, paper thin. I bought really just to check it out. It's jet black, and when it was curing in the kiln, it got some white paint on the lid, He still charged me for it. He did give me the option not to buy it, if you consider that an option.
    Last edited by zib; 04-19-2013 at 03:40 PM.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member Airportcopper's Avatar
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    I wound up getting the dirty bird scuttle 1.5.. Only used it once and had to send it back because the finish wasn't that great.. But the people at dirty bird are top rate and are gonna correct the problem.. I really thought a scuttle would b different I'm getting a warm lather.. But not much better then I was getting using a bowl resting in hot sink water.. By no means is dirty bird a bad scuttle it's top notch.. But for me money I'll stick with my bowl and brush..
    Last edited by Airportcopper; 04-22-2013 at 03:20 PM.

  4. #14
    zib is offline
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    I've found that the scuttles that hold 4 cups of water really keep the lather warm/hot.
    4 cups of water in the microwave for 3 mins is about right, ymmv.

    I had similar heat loss problems with smaller scuttles. I tried sitting them on potholders, and even putting little rubber feet on the bottom, just to reduce surface heat loss. The rubber feet are nice anyway just to keep the scuttle in place.
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  5. #15
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    I am gonna try that foot thing. I hate my new scuttle banging my uneven sink when I whip up a lather. And 3 min in the microwave is too hot to hold except by the handle but the lather is toasty. Just use a lil extra water so it doesn't dry out for the second pass.
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  6. #16
    zib is offline
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    I don't put the scuttle in the microwave, I should have been clear about that. I fill it first with hot tap water, while water is heating up in the microwave. While that's going on, I'm doing a hot towel on my face, then pre shave oil. Once the water is ready (large measuring cup) I pour out the tap water, and refill the scuttle.

    Of course, YMMV. Microwaves are different powers, and scuttles hold different amounts.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    I have the Roberts scuttle that holds over 4 cups and has a great...looks like hell...yous gets what yous pay for.

  8. #18
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    I have an electric tea kettle (the black thing in the corner) on the counter I turn on before getting in the shower. It's boiling by the time I get out and fill my Georgetown Pottery G20 Scuttle about 1/2 to 3/4 with boiling water and the rest with tap. Nice hot brush/lather every time!

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  9. #19
    K37 is offline
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    I have a Dirty Bird 1.5 in Berry Rim on Blue with regular lather ridges. It keeps my lather very warm throughout my longest shaves (upwards of 35 minutes). Julie was a pleasure to work with when I ordered and she finished the item on schedule. The scuttle was delivered very well wrapped with little chance of being broken in the mail unless it were delivered by Ace Ventura. The regular ridges really help provide enough friction to help produce a great lather without trapping the lather in them at all. I've used a 2.0 with web ridges and it's a monster suitable for two people; the web ridges tended to trap lather in them as well. There's a lip on the inside of the top so the lather doesn't creep out as easily.

    I'm very happy and feel that the product I received was well worth the money I spent on it. I hope this helps.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member Airportcopper's Avatar
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    K here is what i do while I'm in the shower I fill the scuttle with the hottest tap water and the bowl on top with hot tap water.. Let the brush sit on top in the bowl while I shower.. Out of the shower I dump the water and refill the scuttle with hottest tap water again and start lathering.. U doing anything different?

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