Wow!...You really whacked yerself out ! Yes...have a good rest and when you get up , have a good breakfast. Hope you readjust okay.:)
I hear ya, you need to be talking to my wife. I usually just sort something out for breakfast that is all the same and rotate between each kids wants. I have often told them I don't run a restaurant, although some days I just couldn't be bothered to put up with whining, so I just give them separate breakfasts. Breakfast is the only meal that is, in is sense, flexible. Every other meal is a 'put up, or starve' deal. No if's, but's or maybe's, as the saying goes.
How do you make your HOMIES? ...... 12 ya go...nuke whole potato 4 min ...then turn on other side and nuke 4 minutes....remove and chop up into chunks....throw potato into med hot pan with buttah already melted...salt ,peppah,onion powdah, paprika...and brown 3-4 min. Enjoy
Translation Homie = Home Frys
Home fries....correct spelling
In some ways when i reread my post about that my kids ate what i did and if they didn't like it they went hungry I can see a different possible interpretation. My point was that we make one meal for everyone and is what you get. Everyone is equal.
But then I got thinking about my wife's family. they would make steak etc. for the adults and the kids would get hot dogs or mac and cheese. Maybe that is what they wanted maybe not. My point is that if what we can afford is hot dogs that is what we get. If I can afford steak that is what everyone gets.
One problem I had is when we went to a seafood place and my youngest didn't like any options on the menu. I could get an extra lobster tail for $X.XX with my meal. I would order that for him and if he didn't like it I could have it. OOOOPS After that, that is all he wanted!:rofl2:
Well, Ed, it is a youth of today, usually of American origin, but more and more are seen in the cities of Australia. They can be recognised by the way they wear their pants at half mast and have a great deal of trouble figuring out which way the brim is supposed to go on their baseball caps. They also have a strange way of speaking/spelling. If you'll refer to the bold text below for some prime examples (though I don't for an instant believe Ness to be one, I just assume the spelling went with the product first mentioned...I could be wrong and be seen to be an insulting arse too ;))
I usually coddle my spuds sliced thick with bacon and a little liquid in a covered skillet with pepper and a bit of sage and or smoked paprika for about twenty minutes or so till fork tender. Then drizzle with a little olive oil. If I want to take them to the next level, I start fryin'em till they get browned in the pan a bit.
Today's breakfast consisted of four large strawberries (or strawberry berries according to my youngest) sliced, a dozen or so blueberries, a small banana also sliced, about six spoons of vanilla yoghurt and topped of with a sprinkle of nutmeg and cinnamon. Followed up with a slice of buttered toast with cheese and Aussiemite. A very tasty start to the day.
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